
Segmentacija potrošnikov glede na motive za izbor hrane: pomen atributov trajnosti in stopenj v spremembi vedenja : pomen atributov trajnosti in stopenj v spremembi vedenja
ID Potočnik, Ambrož (Author), ID Golob, Urša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Podnebne spremembe, degradacija okolja in drugi izzivi, npr. na področju zdravstva ali nepravične razdelitve hrane, vodijo k vprašanju vzdržnosti trenutnega razvojnega modela družbe. Na podnebne spremembe pomembno vpliva kmetijstvo ter z njim povezani pridelava in potrošnja hrane, zato je nujna usmeritev v trajnostno pridelavo in potrošnjo, s katerima zmanjšujemo pritisk na okolje. Z njima je povezan tudi enakomeren razvoj družbe in pravičnejša delitev virov znotraj prehranskih verig. Potrošnikov izbor hrane je ključen pri spremembi obstoječih v trajnostne potrošniške vzorce. Raziskovalci ugotavljajo, da so ti naklonjeni trajnostnim izdelkom, a njihovo nakupno vedenje tega pogosto ne izraža, zato smo v magistrskem delu analizirali pomembnost motivov za nakup in uživanje hrane v razmerju do trajnostnih atributov, da bi tako bolje razumeli izbor hrane in motivacijo za izbiro trajnostnih izdelkov. Motive in atribute smo primerjali v treh kategorijah izdelkov (mleko in mlečni izdelki, meso in mesni izdelki, sadje in zelenjava). Na podlagi zaznane pomembnosti atributov in identificirane stopnje v transteoretičnem modelu spremembe vedenja, ki razlaga korake za spremembo vedenja, je bila pripravljena faktorska analiza. Ta je pokazala, da lahko motive za izbor hrane in trajnostne atribute povežemo v tri faktorje. Z njimi smo naredili segmentacijo potrošnikov, katere namen je boljša prilagoditev in posledično večja učinkovitost komunikacijskih sporočil. Na podlagi treh identificiranih segmentov in njihovih značilnosti, ugotovitev tujih avtorjev in zaznane stopnje v transteoretičnem modelu spremembe vedenja smo podali predloge za ponudnike in jih opolnomočili s ključnimi temami, sporočili ter načini za doseganje želene spremembe vedenja, da bi tako spodbudili trajnostno potrošnjo.

Keywords:motivacija, trajnost, segmentacija, sprememba vedenja, komuniciranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Potočnik]
Number of pages:140 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131524 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:81151491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Consumer Segmentation Based od Food Choice Motives: The Importance of Sustainability Attributes and Behaviour Change Rate : magistrsko delo
Climate change and other challenges in the field of healthcare and unfair food distribution all lead to the question of sustainability of the current social development model. To lessen the effect of agricultural production and consumption of food on our climate, the focus on sustainable food production and consumption is essential, as they are closely connected with the development of the society and a fairer resource distribution. Consumers’ food choices are an essential part of changing the existing consumer patterns into sustainable ones. Researchers find that consumers tend to prefer sustainable products, however, this is often not reflected in their purchasing behaviour. This master’s thesis analyses the importance of motives for food choice and compares them with sustainability attributes to better understand their motivation to buy sustainable products. The individual motives and attributes were compared in three product categories (dairy, meat, fruits, and vegetables). Based on the perceived importance of attributes and the identified stage according to the transtheoretical model of behaviour change, we conducted a factor analysis. The analysis showed that the motives for food choice and sustainability attributes can be combined into three factors. Based on those factors we prepared a consumer segmentation to be able to customize communication messages for consumers, consequently reaching a greater efficiency. Based on the three identified segments of consumers and their characteristics and the identified stage according to the transtheoretical model of behaviour change, we prepared suggestions for food suppliers and provided them with key topics and messages to promote sustainable consumption.

Keywords:motivation, sustainability, segmentation, behaviour change, communication

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