
Memi kot didaktično sredstvo pri obravnavi nonsensne poezije
ID Dolenc, Gašper (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6936/ This link opens in a new window

Osnovni pomen besede nonsens je nesmisel, vendar pa je z vedno pogostejšo uporabo pridobila nov pomen. Nonsens je v literaturi humoren žanr, ki se igra z jezikovnimi možnostmi in spreminjanjem pomenskih odnosov. V literarnih delih se pojavljajo besede, ki nič ne pomenijo, ali pa se besede nelogično povezujejo in s tem ustvarjajo nenavadno stvarnost. Ker se nonsens pogosto izraža s humorjem, ga lahko povežemo z memi, ki se izražajo enako. Memi so postali zelo priljubljen način komuniciranja med ljudmi, zato lahko slednje izkoristimo in učence pri pouku motiviramo na njim še posebej zanimiv način. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelil mladinsko književnost, poezijo, nonsens in mem. V prvi polovici empiričnega dela sem izvedel raziskavo, ali so memi lahko ustrezno didaktično sredstvo pri obravnavi nonsensne poezije. Učenci so z velikim zanimanjem sprejeli nonsensna dela in nato samostojno navdušeno izdelovali meme. V drugem delu empirične raziskave sem anketiral učitelje razrednega pouka ter ugotavljal njihovo poznavanje nonsensa, pogostost obravnave, način obravnave in težave pri obravnavi. Poznavanje je tako med starejšimi kot mlajšimi učitelji dobro, prav tako se pri obravnavi z večjimi težavami ne srečujejo.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131463 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77722627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Memes as a didactic tool for the teaching of nonsense poetry
The basic meaning of the word nonsense means that it has no real meaning. This has gained a broader range of use over the years. In literature it has become a humorous genre which plays with different linguistic options and subverts language conventions. In literary works it appears as words without meaning or a connection of words that have no logic and thus create an unusual reality. Since nonsense is expressed through humour it can easily be connected with memes, as they are expressed the same way. Memes have become a very popular way of communicating which allow us to take advantage of them as a teaching tool. They can be used to motivate students in an especially fun way that is close to them. In my theoretical thesis I first defined the terms young adult literature, poetry, nonsense and meme. The empirical part has two segments, I first conducted a survey to discover if memes are a suitable didactic tool for discussing poetry. The students participating in the survey showed great interest in nonsense works and were enthusiastic when asked to work with memes. The second part of the empirical work involved teachers. In a questionnaire I tried to determine their knowledge of nonsense, how often then and how they used it in the classroom and if they had any problems when discussing this topic in class. It turned out that older and younger teachers were familiar with this type of literature and they didn't encounter a lot of problems when teaching and discussing this type of literature.


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