
Shizofrenija kot metaforika soočanja z resničnostjo
ID Mlinarič, Tina (Author), ID Muršič, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Markič, Olga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava shizofrenijo kot duševno bolezen, ki ima biološke in družbene vzroke, vpliva pa na kognitivne sposobnosti. Psihoza je predstavljena kot najočitnejši simptom shizofrenije, v sklopu tega so predstavljene nekatere antropološke in filozofske razlage fenomena. V navezavi na psihozo se avtorica sprašuje, kaj njena simptomatika “govori” skozi bolnika, zato navaja dva pogovora s človekoma, ki sta v neki točki svojega življenja izkazovala psihotične simptome. Te pogovore umesti znotraj okvira teoretskih stališč, ki se navezujejo na eksistencialne razlage shizofrenije, semiološke paradigme uporabe metafore pri psihotičnem govoru ter komunikacijskega zapleta med sporočili različnega logičnega tipa pri shizofreniji. Poudarjeni pa so predvsem psihoanalitični vidiki razlag psihoze. Diplomsko delo združuje filozofske in antropološke dileme, ki se pojavljajo ob spraševanju o univerzalnosti dojemanja duševnih bolezni in shizofrenije ter njihove obravnave pri različnih kulturah. S primerjalno analizo duševnih bolezni in shizofrenije v različnih kulturah je avtorica primerjala zahodne države, ki veljajo za napredne, ter vzhodne države, tj. države v razvoju. Predstavila je tudi filozofsko-antropološke pomisleke glede opredelitve pojmov normalnost in patološkost. V delu avtorica na kratko predstavi pomanjkljivosti psihiatrične ustanove ter navaja pomembne avtorje in gibanja, ki so pripeljali do sprememb in procesov deinstitucionalizacije.

Keywords:Kulturna antropologija, filozofija, etnopsihoanaliza, shizofrenija, duševne bolezni, psihoza, patološkost, norost, antipsihiatrija, deinstitucionalizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131438 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:88143107  This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Schizophrenia as a metaphor for confronting reality
The undergraduate diploma thesis treats schizophrenia as a mental illness that has biological and social causes and affects cognitive abilities. Psychosis is presented as the most dominant symptom of schizophrenia; therefore, some anthropological and philosophical explanations of the phenomenon are presented. In relation to psychosis, the author wonders what psychosis wants to say through the patient, so she cites two conversations with people who had psychotic symptoms at some point in their lives. These conversations are placed within the mentioned theoretical points of view, that relate to existential explanations of schizophrenia, semiological paradigms of using metaphor in psychotic speech and communication complications between messages of different logical types in schizophrenia. The emphasis is on the psychoanalytic aspects of the explanation of psychosis. The thesis combines philosophical and anthropological dilemmas that arise in connection with the universality of the perception of mental illness and schizophrenia and their treatment between different cultures. In a comparative analysis of mental illness and schizophrenia between different cultures, the author compared the countries of the West, which are considered advanced countries, and the Eastern countries, which represent developing countries. Philosophical­anthropological concerns about the definition of the terms normality and pathology are also presented. The author briefly presents the shortcomings of the psychiatric institution and lists the important authors and movements that have led to changes and the processes of deinstitutionalization.

Keywords:Cultural anthropology, philosophy, ethnopsychoanalysis, schizophrenia, mental illness, psychosis, pathology, insanity, antipsychiatry, deinstitutionalization

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