
Primerjava natančnosti manualne in digitalne modelacije : diplomsko delo
ID Črnivec, Eva (Author), ID Brunčko, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bohinc, Peter (Comentor), ID Zupančič Hartner, Tjaša (Comentor), ID Lampe, Tomaž (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Izdelava kovinskih konstrukcij fiksnoprotetičnih izdelkov je zahtevna, saj se mora izdelek tesno prilegati preparaciji. Proces izdelave ogrodja vpliva na površinsko hrapavost, prileganje konstrukcije in retencijsko silo. Slaba kakovost izdelave ima lahko za posledico slabo prileganje ter s tem povezane klinične zaplete. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je pregledati obstoječo literaturo na področju primerjave natančnosti izdelave kovinskega ogrodja za porcelansko tehniko po klasični ter digitalizirani aditivni. Na podlagi pridobljenih dejstev smo v diplomskem delu izvedli primerjavo natančnosti obeh tehnik na primeru izdelave kovinsko-porcelanskega mostička 31-37. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu so teoretične osnove pridobljene s študijem strokovne literature. Literatura je bila poiskana s pomočjo spletnih baz COBISS, Google Scholar in Medline. Praktična izvedba dela je bila opravljena v zobnem laboratoriju. Digitalizirana primerjava kovinskih polizdelkov je bila izvedena s pomočno programske opreme Blender2.8, GOM Inspect 2018 in Adobe Photoshop CC. Rezultati: Izpeljali smo slikovno dokumentirano primerjavo obeh konstrukcij na kontrolnem modelu ter brez modela, izmerili smo cervikalno debelino konstrukcij na predhodno določenih mestih, skenirali obe konsrukciji in ju primerjali v namenski programski opremi. Digitalna primerjava CAD datoteke in SLM konstrukcije je klasična analiza, ki se v tehniki redno izvaja s pomočjo optičnega skeniranja. Pri primerjavi SLM kontrukcije z lito konstrukcijo, smo SLM konstrukcijo uporabili za mirujočo referenco in nanjo z globalno poravnavo najboljšega ujemanja postavili model lite konstrukcije ter narisali barvno karto odstopanj. Razprava in zaključek: Želeli smo ugotoviti, kakšne so razlike v natančnosti kovinskega ogrodja za kovinsko-porcelansko tehniko, ko primerjamo digitalno in manualno tehniko modeliranja. Za razumevanje naše primerjave je pomembno natančno poznavanje digitalnega ter manualnega procesa izdelave kovinskega ogrodja, ki je opisan v diplomskem delu. Naše mnenje je, da je natančnost obeh tehnik v veliki meri odvisna od sposobnosti laboratorijskega izvajalca. Pri manualni tehniki modelacije je število delovnih faz večje, modelacija pa je pri večjih konstrukcijah tudi občutno časovno potratnejša. Pri digitalni tehniki modelacije je velika prednost ta, da lahko ogrodje po želji izdelamo večkrat, brez dodatnega čas za ponovno modeliranje. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je za kvalitetno izvedeno primerjavo zelo pomemben dostop do namenske opreme ter standardizirane, preizkušene tehnike analize.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, izdelava kovinskega ogrodja, SLM, manualna modelacija, natančnost, prileganje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Črnivec]
Number of pages:59 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131418 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77910531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:A comparison of accuracy between conventional and digital modelling technique : diploma work
Introduction: The production of a metal base for fixed prosthetic dental protheses is a demanding process because every product should tightly fit into the preparation. The fabrication process affects the roughness of the metal base surface, how it fits the construction, and the retention forces. Poor production quality may result in improper fitting and consequently medical complications. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make an overview of the existing literature on the comparison of accuracy of the metal base fabrications for conventional metal ceramics restorations and the SLM technique. Based on the acquired facts, the comparison of the accuracy of both techniques was made in the fabrication process for a metal-ceramic bridge 31-37. Methodology: The theoretical part of the thesis is based on the existing scientific publications. The literature was accessed through COBISS, Google Scholar, and Medline. The practical part of the thesis was conducted in the dental laboratory. A digital comparison of metal half products was made using Blender2.8, GOM Inspect 2018, and Adobe Photoshop CC. Results: An image comparison of both constructions was made on the control model and without a model; a cervical thickness of constructions was measured at the predetermined locations, both constructions were scanned and compared with a dedicated software. The digital comparison of the CAD file and the SLM construction is a standard analysis regularly carried out using optical scanning. When comparing the SLM and the cast construction, the SLM construction was used as a static reference. The SLM construction was overlaid with the cast one using the global best-fit alignment and a colour map of the deviations was drawn. Discussion and conclusion: The aim of the thesis is to determine the differences in the accuracy of the metal base for the metal ceramics technique when using the digital or the manual modelling technique. To understand our comparison, the in-depth knowledge of the digital and manual fabrication processes for metal bases is required, and this process is also discussed in the thesis. We concluded that the fabrication accuracy greatly depends on the skills of laboratory practitioners. The manual technique requires more phases, and the modelling process for larger constructions is significantly more time-consuming. On the other hand, using a digital technique, the base can be made several times when required, while no additional time is spent on remodelling, which is the biggest advantage of this technique. We also realized that a quality comparison requires access to dedicated equipment and standardized as well as proven analytical techniques.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, metal base fabrication, SLM, manual modeling technique, accuracy, fit

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