This work represents the comparison of the phonological system of Komen local speech, transcribed in 1954 (Tine Logar for SLA), 1968 (Martin Orožen for OLA), and in the present (grammatical part of the questionnaire for SLA with additions and two free narrations). In the first part, the geographical, ecclesiastical, politico-administrative, and historical extralinguistic factors contributing to the formation of the independent local speech are presented. Its contextualization into a broader dialectological framework follows, providing a summary of its development from the original common Slovenian phonological system to its contemporary state with the crucial characteristics, distinguishing it from neighboring local speeches and dialects, listed. The central chapter covers the comparison between older and newer transcriptions. It focuses on the conservation of the fundamental West Slovenian, Karst, and East Karst vocal characteristics, the latter interfered by South Slovenian, the emergence of novel doublets, the characterization of the local dialect as prominently distinguishing during the development of later Inner-Lower Carniola reflexes, partial reduction yː > ː in some cases, the frequent, but not characteristic of all vowels, merger of semivowels of different tones ḁ, ə, into the central semivowel ə and the elongation of the short stressed ə > əː, the equalization of the pronunciation of v before front (v = v) and back (w > v) vowels except for the prosthetic v (w- > -), the gradual hardening of the palatal ĺ > l/lj and partial conservation of the transition of the following -m > -n.