In 2019 and 2020, we investigated the seasonal dynamics of the silver-Y moth (Autographa gamma) st the Laboratory Field of the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana, in a field with vegetables. We placed three pheromone baits on the edge of the field and monitored the pest from the beginning of April to the end of October. The aim of the research was to determine the abundance and time of occurrence of males, as this pest has not been systematically studied in Slovenia so far. This provides useful information on the number of generations per year that this pest has in our country, when it begins to appear and what is the number of adult males caught in relation to abiotic factors such as temperature and rainfall, and biotic factors such as the availability of food for caterpillars of the studied pest. We found that the pest appeared in 2019 from early April to the first half of October. In 2020, the pest appeared later, in the second half of April, and appeared until the first half of November. In both years silver-Y moth developed three generations, and the most numerous was the second generation. We find that the occurrence and abundance of the silver-Y moth are influenced by temperature, rainfall, air humidity and solar radiation. In the first year, a total of 418 adult males were caught in pheromone baits, and in the second year, 594 males.