
Prometno-tehnični vidik izvedljivosti cestnih povezav Šared⠒Markovec in Šared⠒Padna v občini Izola : magistrsko delo
ID Guštin, Marko (Author), ID Lipar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rijavec, Robert (Comentor)

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Z naraščanjem števila prebivalcev v obalnih občinah počasi narašča tudi število motornih vozil in s tem količina cestnega prometa. Posledično se na Obali srečujemo s preobremenjeno cestno mrežo, zlasti v območju izolskega zaledja, ki ima slabo povezano cestno mrežo. Rešitev bi bila v vzpostavitvi novih razbremenilnih povezav. V sklopu magistrske naloge sem si zamislil izvedbo idejnih dostopnih cest Šared-Markovec in Šared-Padna. Z omenjenima cestnima povezavama bi lahko razvili in razbremenili obstoječo cestno mrežo. Preučil sem torej prometno-tehnični vidik izvedljivosti idejnih cestnih povezav. Cilj je bil analizirati kje in kako bi predvideni dostopni cesti lahko potekali, ali bi tovrsten projekt lahko razbremenil obstoječo cestno mrežo in katere bodo njegove potencialne posledice ob realizaciji. Upošteval sem prometno študijo, ki je v nastanku v sklopu izdelave hitre ceste Koper-Dragonja, s pomočjo katere sem ocenil, koliko prometa bi pravzaprav dostopni cesti prevzeli. Hkrati sem upošteval pogoje in omejitve prostorskih načrtov občine ter smernice iz inženirsko geoloških poročil območja obravnave, na podlagi katerih sem cesto sprojektiral v programu Civil 3D. Izračunal sem še aproksimativno oceno investicije ob potencialni izvedbi projekta. Zaključil sem s SWOT analizo, kjer sem še povzel rezultate.

Keywords:ceste, projektiranje cest, Civil 3D, Izola, Šared, Markovec, Padna
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Guštin]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131243 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79289091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2021
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Title:Technical feasibility of new road connections Šared⠒Markovec and Šared⠒Padna in the municipality of Izola : master thesis
Due to the population growth in coastal municipalities, the number of motor vehicles and thus the amount of road traffic is slowly increasing. Consequently, traffic congestion on road networks is not uncommon, especially in the hinterland of Izola, which has a poorly connected road system. As a result, an urge to build new relief links occurred. As part of my master's thesis, I envisioned the implementation of the conceptual access roads Šared⠒Markovec and Šared⠒Padna. These road connections could further develope the existing road network and alleviate congestions. Therefore, the technical aspect of the feasibility of conceptual road connections was examined. The aim was to analyze where and how the envisaged access roads could be build, whether such a project could alleviate the existing road network and what it's consequences would be when implemented. The up-and-coming traffic study of the construction of Koper⠒Dragonja expressway was used in order to estimate the amount of traffic that relief roads would actually take away from the existing road connections. The conditions and limitations of the spatial plans of the municipality and the guidelines from the engineering geological reports of the treatment area were also taken into account, based on which the roads were designed in the Civil 3D program. An approximate estimate of the investment at the potential implementation of the project was also calculated. Ultimately, SWOT analysis was carried out, where all the results were summarized.

Keywords:roads, road design, Civil 3D, Izola, Šared, Markovec, Padna

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