
Osebna pojmovanja in subjektivne teorije učiteljev razrednega pouka o disciplini v razredu
ID Bon, Maruša (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava osebna pojmovanja in subjektivne teorije učiteljev razrednega pouka o disciplini v razredu. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila osebna pojmovanja, stališča in prepričanja kot gradnike subjektivnih teorij, značilnosti spreminjanja osebnih pojmovanj in subjektivnih teorij učiteljev ter definirala in opisala pojem discipline v razredu. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela sem raziskovala osebna pojmovanja in iz njih izoblikovanje subjektivne teorije učiteljev o disciplini v razredu ter povezavo med delovnim zadovoljstvom učiteljev in kako se le-to odraža v opisovanju njihovega pedagoškega delovanja, tj. v načinih discipliniranja učencev. Vzorec raziskave predstavlja 149 anketirancev, od tega 92,6 % učiteljic in 7,4 % učiteljev razrednega pouka. Rezultati so pokazali, da večina anketiranih učiteljev discipliniranega učenca vidi kot ubogljivega, ki upošteva pravila, navodila in usmeritve. Skoraj polovica anketiranih učiteljev med načini vzdrževanja discipline učencev izpostavlja pomembnost določitve pravil, dogovorov in podajanje navodil, medtem ko približno tretjina anketiranih učiteljev navaja, da disciplino učencev vzdržujejo z doslednim upoštevanjem pravil, medsebojnih dogovorov in vztrajanjem pri podanih navodilih. V povprečju anketirani učitelji menijo, da izpostavljena pojmovanja discipline občutno vplivajo na njihovo pedagoško delo. V povprečju se anketirani učitelji strinjajo, da z doslednostjo upoštevanja pravil spodbujajo boljšo disciplino učencev v razredu. Anketirani učitelji najpogosteje ocenjujejo, da so najbolj primerni in ustrezni načini discipliniranja učencev preusmeritev pozornosti na zanimivo snov, aktivno poslušanje problemov ter idej, umiritev s kratkimi usmeritvami ter izražanje razumevanja učencev v njihovi vlogi. Med učne oblike oz. metode, ki jih večina anketiranih učiteljev ocenjuje kot metode, ki prispevajo k pozitivni disciplini v razredu so uporaba didaktičnih iger pri pouku, izvajanje pouka v naravi, kviz, individualno reševanje nalog, delo v parih, skupinsko izvajanje eksperimentov, diskusija, športne aktivnosti učencev v telovadnici ter pogovor učencev v krogu. Na osnovi proučenih osebnih pojmovanj sem izpeljala prevladujoče subjektivne teorije o disciplini, ki jih lahko prepoznamo pri učiteljih. Discipliniran učenec je tisti, ki sprejema ter upošteva hišni red in razredna pravila, učiteljeva navodila ter usmeritve. Pri pouku aktivno sodeluje, sledi dejavnostim in opravlja dane zadolžitve. Redno oddaja naloge, prinaša šolske potrebščine in ima urejen delovni prostor – je organiziran, odgovoren in samostojen. Do sošolcev in učiteljev ima spoštljiv odnos, se primerno vede in zmore nadzorovati svoje vedenje.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131232 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID: 77459203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Primary teachers' viewpoints and subjective theories about classroom discipline
The basis of the Master's thesis is to discuss personal conceptions and subjective theories of primary teachers on classroom discipline. In the theoretical part, I represented personal conceptions, attitudes and beliefs as building blocks of subjective theories, characteristics of changing teachers’ personal concepts, defined and described the concept of discipline in the classroom. In the empirical part, I explored personal conceptions and from that developed a subjective theory of teachers on discipline in the classroom, and the link between teacher satisfaction and how it is reflected in the description of their pedagogical activities – the methods based on which pupils are disciplined. The survey sample represents 149 respondents, 92.6 % female classroom teachers and 7.4 % male classroom teachers. The results showed that the majority of teachers see a disciplined pupil as obedient, following rules, instructions and directions. Almost half of teachers stress the importance of setting rules, arrangements and giving instructions during the way pupils are maintaining discipline, while about a third of teachers say they maintain student discipline with strict adherence to the rules, mutual arrangements and insistence on the instructions given. On average, teachers believe that the exposed concepts of discipline have a significant impact on their pedagogical work. On average, the teachers agree that they encourage better discipline of pupils in the classroom through consistency of following the rules. The teachers most often consider that the most appropriate and appropriate ways of disciplining pupils are to divert attention to interesting material, to actively listen to problems and ideas, to settle down with short orientations and to express an understanding of pupils in their role. Among the learning forms or methods that most of the teachers assess as methods that contribute to positive discipline in the classroom are the use of didactic games in a class, lessons’ implementation in the nature, a quiz, an individual task solving, a steam work, group conducting experiments, a discussion, sports activities in a school gym and a conversation circle. On the basis of the studied personal concepts, I carried out the prevailing subjective theories about discipline which can be identified by teachers. Disciplined pupil is the one who accepts and observes the rules of the house and class rules, the teacher's instructions and orientations. He actively participates in the class, follows activities and performs tasks. He regularly submits tasks, brings school supplies and has an arranged workspace – he is organized, responsible and independent. He has a respectful attitude towards his classmates and teachers, behaves appropriately and is able to control his behavior.


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