
Entrenched Social Constructs in the Primary School English Classroom : magistrsko delo
ID Pavlovski, Lev (Author), ID Burazer, Lara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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This master’s thesis explores the entrenched social constructs in the primary school English classroom through the textual and visual analysis of Touchtone 9, a Slovenian-produced EFL-textbook. Findings of similar research in the field of education indicate a strong persistence of gender stereotyping present also in most textbooks still used today, where ideas of female inferiority and the patriarchal structure of society are perpetuated. Employing quantitative and qualitative research methods, the thesis explores the presence and distribution of gender (as well as the connected stereotypes) and focuses on possibilities of dealing with such instances in textbooks. In the literature review, the ubiquitous examples of sexism and other gender-related stereotypes are presented and, in the analysis, juxtaposed to the social constructs found in the textbook. In the quantitative analysis, where the number of gender-marked occurrences in the textbook are compared, the research findings indicate a substantial gender disparity in the overall number of visually gendered characters and textually expressed instances of grammatical gender, with the male attributions representing the majority of all gendered instances used in the textbook. The findings of the qualitative analysis indicate that the deeply ingrained and widespread sexist ideology is also visibly present in the characters’ general appearance, behaviour and settings in which they are situated. The research results therefore lead to the conclusion that, as is the case with most textbooks used today, the aspect of gender stereotyping is present in the textbook Touchtone 9. Since the presence of deeply ingrained social constructs cannot be ignored in the process of social, cognitive, and emotional development of its users, the thesis proposes quick possible solutions tackling gender inequality and stereotyping in textbooks to mitigate their negative effects and comply with the basic principles and rules governing primary school education in Slovenia.

Keywords:gender inequality, patriarchy, social construct, stereotypes, English textbook
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Pavlovski]
Number of pages:69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131209 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79423235 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Zakoreninjeni družbeni konstrukti pri pouku angleščine v osnovni šoli
To magistrsko delo raziskuje zakoreninjene družbene konstrukte v učilnici angleščine v osnovni šoli skozi besedilno in vizualno analizo slovenskega učbenika za pouk angleščine Touchtone 9. Ugotovitve podobnih raziskav na področju izobraževanja kažejo na močno trdovratnost spolnih stereotipov, ki se odražajo tudi v učbenikih v uporabi še danes, skozi njih pa se ohranjajo ideje o manjvrednosti žensk in patriarhalna struktura družbe. Z uporabo kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih raziskovalnih metod magistrsko delo raziskuje prisotnost in razširjenost spola (in povezanih stereotipov) ter se osredotoča na možnosti obravnave takih primerov v učbenikih. V pregledu strokovne literature so predstavljeni vsakdanji primeri seksizma in drugih stereotipov, povezanih s spolom, v analizi pa so te najdbe primerjane z družbenimi konstrukti v omenjenem učbeniku. V kvantitativni analizi, kjer se primerja pojavnost, povezana s spolom, ugotovitve raziskave kažejo na znatne razlike med spoloma v skupnem številu likov in besedilno izraženih primerov slovničnega spola, pri čemer so omembe spola v učbeniku nasploh pripisane moškim. Ugotovitve kvalitativne analize kažejo, da je globoko ustaljena in razširjena seksistična ideologija vidno prisotna tudi v splošni podobi likov, njihovem obnašanju in okolju, v katerem se nahajajo. Rezultati raziskav torej vodijo do zaključka, da je, tako kot v večini danes uporabljenih učbenikov, vidik spolnega stereotipa v učbeniku Touchtone 9 prisoten. Ker teh globoko ustaljenih družbenih konstruktov v procesu socialnega, kognitivnega in čustvenega razvoja uporabnikov šolskega gradiva ni mogoče prezreti, so v magistrskem delu nanizane preproste možne rešitve za spopadanje z neenakostjo spolov in stereotipi v učbenikih s ciljem, da ublažimo njihove negativne učinke in zagotovimo skladnost učbenikov z osnovnimi načeli in pravili, ki urejajo osnovnošolsko izobraževanje v Sloveniji.

Keywords:neenakost spolov, patriarhat, družbeni konstrukt, stereotipi, učbenik angleščine

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