
Študija možnosti evidentiranja služnostne pravice v katastru nepremičnin : magistrsko delo
ID Jožef, Nataša (Author), ID Lisec, Anka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ferlan, Miran (Comentor)

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V Sloveniji se pripravlja celovita prenova sistema zemljiške administracije, ki predvideva vzpostavitev katastra nepremičnin. Sprememba zakonodaje med drugim predvideva vpis podatkov o služnostni pravici v katastru nepremičnin, kjer se bodo shranili tako prostorski kot opisni podatki o dani služnostni pravici, slednje bo osnova za vpis služnostne pravice v zemljiško knjigo. Namen magistrskega dela je analizirati možnosti vključevanja podatkov o služnostnih pravicah v podatkovno zbirko katastra nepremičnin, kjer se osredotočamo na služnosti, ki so prostorsko opredeljene kot del ali več delov zemljiških parcel. V ta namen smo celovito preučili, katere služnostne pravice je mogoče prostorsko bolj podrobno opredeliti kot na ravni parcele ter podatke o njih vključiti v kataster nepremičnin. Pri tem smo se osredotočili predvsem na izziv, kako prostorsko opredeliti posamezno služnostno pravico v geometričnem delu podatkovne baze katastra nepremičnin, kjer smo izhajali iz organizacije podatkov v trenutnem zemljiškem katastru, saj še ni na voljo novega katastrskega informacijskega sistema. Naša ugotovitev je, da so že danes v zemljiški knjigi na voljo informacije o poteku mej območij služnosti, kjer pa je kakovost prostorske opredelitve zelo raznolika. Vsekakor bi bilo smotrno podatke o služnosti vključiti v katastrski informacijski sistem, če je služnost prostorsko jasno opredeljena. Tako bi tudi na bolj pregleden način pristopali do podatkov, ki so ključni za prostorsko planiranje, nepremičninski trg, davčne politike ipd. Za ta namen bi morali sicer informacijskih rešitev katastra nadgraditi, trenutna struktura podatkov zemljiškega katastra pa že omogoča modeliranje podatkov o služnostih pravicah, ki so prostorsko opredeljene. Velik izziv pri modeliranju in shranjevanju podatkov o območjih služnosti sicer predstavlja omejena položajna kakovost podatkov zemljiškega katastra, za že evidentirane služnosti pa zelo raznolik opis prostorske razsežnosti služnosti v zemljiški knjigi.

Keywords:služnostna pravica, zemljiški kataster, zemljiška knjiga, LADM, zemljiška administracija, kataster nepremičnin
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Jožef]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131141 This link opens in a new window
UDC:528.4:332.6:347.26 (043.3)
COBISS.SI-ID:77776131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Feasibility study for easements recording in the real property cadastre : master thesis
The current legislation in Slovenia predicts, among the others, the entry of easement data in the real estate cadastre, where an easement’s descriptive and spatial data will also be saved. This will be the basis for registering easements in the land registry. The main objective of the master research is to analyze the possibilities of including data on easement rights in the database of the real estate cadastre, where they focus on services that are both spatially defined as part of several parts of land plots. Therefore, it has been thoroughly studied which rights resulting from easements can be spatially defined in more detail in terms of space than at the level of the plot and have been included in the cadastre of real estate. The focus has been on overcoming the challenge of spatially defining each easement and its modelling in the geometrical part of the real estate cadastre database, based on the current land cadastre’s data organization as a new cadastral information system is not yet available. Our finding is that the information on the course of the boundaries of easement areas is already available in the land register today, where the quality of the spatial definition is very diverse. In any case, it would be expedient to include data on easements in the cadastral information system if the easements are spatially clearly defined. In this way, we would also access data that are crucial for spatial planning, the real estate market and tax policies in a more transparent way. For this purpose, the information solutions of the land cadastre should be upgraded, but the current structure of the land cadastre data already enables the modeling of data on easements, which are spatially defined. A great challenge in modeling and storing data on easement areas is the limited positional quality of land cadastre data, and for already registered easements a very diverse description of the spatial dimension of easements in the land register.

Keywords:easement, land cadastre, land registry, LADM, land surveyor, real estate cadastre

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