
Vloga konja v antični Grčiji
ID Kobal, Lea (Author), ID Potočnik, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ko je človek pred okoli 5500 leti udomačil konja, se je njegovo življenje izrazito spremenilo. Med drugim so hitrost, moč in vzdržljivost teh živali predstavljale veliko prednost v vojskovanju, kar so ljudje izkoriščali že od samega začetka. Kljub temu pa so bile skozi antiko konjenice večine grških polis maloštevilne, na kar je pomembno vplival njihov gorat in skalnat ter tako za konjerejo neugoden relief. Z izjemo Tesalije, Beocije in Korinta z dobro razvito konjenico, vajeno bojevanja, so bile konjenice ostalih polis v bitkah neposredno udeležene le redko. Pogosteje so opravljale izvidniško in kurirsko delo, vohunile za sovražniki, nadzorovale meje ter skrbele za red znotraj mest. Največji razcvet je doživela konjenica pod poveljstvom Aleksandra Velikega. Raba konj v vojski je sooblikovala nekatere konjeniške športne discipline, kot so met kopja s konja ter dirke, v grščini imenovane apobates, anabates in anthippasia. Tako na hipodromu kot na bojišču so se morali konji in njihovi jahači oziroma vozniki vpreg odlikovati po pogumu, moči in vzdržljivosti, spretnosti, stabilnosti in mirnosti. Ker so bili lastniki konj le najpremožnejši člani družbe, so ti praviloma tudi edini tvorili konjenico ter pobirali nagrade na konjeniških tekmovanjih – ne pa tudi dejansko tekmovali kot jahači ali vozniki vpreg. Za to nevarno delo so navadno najeli profesionalne džokeje ali sužnje.

Keywords:konji, zgodovina, antika, Grčija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131112 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77616643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The role of horse in ancient Greece
When people domesticated horses around 5500 years ago, their lives changed immensely. Among many benefits, the speed, strength, and endurance of these animals presented a great advantage in warfare, which people made use of from the very start. Despite these advantages, most Greek poleis possessed only a small number of cavalries in antiquity, since the terrain they lived on was mountainous and rocky and thus unsuitable for raising horses. Except for Thessaly, Boeotia and Corinth who had well-established cavalries used to fight regularly, cavalries of other poleis were only rarely directly involved in battles. More often they would be used for scouting and currier services, spying on enemies, keeping surveillance of the borders and keeping peace within towns. Cavalries gained great importance under the command of Alexander the Great. The use of horses in battle co-shaped some of the equestrian sports disciplines such as javelin horseback throw and horse races known as apobates, anabates and anthippasia in Greek. Both in the hippodrome and on the battlefield the horses and their riders had to show a great level of courage, strength and endurance as well as skill, stability and composure. Since only the richest members of the society owned horses, they were usually the ones who constituted the cavalries and won awards in cavalry competitions. However, the owners themselves did not compete as riders or cart drivers in these competitions but hired professional jockeys or slaves for these dangerous jobs.

Keywords:horses, history, antiquity, Greece

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