
Vpliv temperature na interakcijo med bakterijo Dickeya fangzhongdai in bakteriofagom BF25/12 (Podoviridae)
ID Ržišnik, Julija (Author), ID Butala, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dreo, Tanja (Comentor)

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Sevi bakterije Dickeya fangzhongdai povzročajo bolezen mehkih gnilob, ki je v Sloveniji odgovorna za veliko ekonomsko škodo v tržnih obratih vzgoje orhidej. Ena od možnosti za obvladovanje bolezni je, da bi bakteriofag BF25/12, ki specifično okužuje nekatere seve D. fangzhongdai, uporabili kot sredstvo za obvladovanje bolezni orhidej. Pred implementacijo uporabe bakteriofaga v praksi je potrebno dobro poznavanje lastnosti interakcije med bakteriofagom in gostiteljsko bakterijo pri različnih okoljskih pogojih, kot so pH, UV sevanje in temperatura. Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati vpliv temperature na interakcijo med bakterijo D. fangzhongdai in bakteriofagom BF25/12. Vpliv temperature na interakcijo smo proučevali z analizo pojavljanja plakov, analizo adsorpcije in s spremljanjem rasti bakterij v tekoči kulturi v prisotnosti bakteriofaga. Ugotovili smo, da so sevi D. fangzhongdai B16, MK7 in JS5T bolj občutljivi za okužbo z bakteriofagom pri nižjih (20 in 28 °C) kot pri višjih (37 in 42 °C) temperaturah. Skladno s tem smo ugotovili, da se pri nižji temperaturi (28 °C) na površino D. fangzhongdai B16 adsorbira več bakteriofagov kot pri višji (37 °C). S spremljanjem rasti bakterij smo opazili, da se med različnimi sevi D. fangzhongdai pojavljajo razlike v poteku okužbe pri različnih temperaturah. Pri 28 °C sta seva B16 in MK7 občutljiva, sev JS5T zmerno občutljiv, seva S1 in NCPPB 3274 pa neobčutljiva za okužbo z bakteriofagom. Pri 37 °C pa je bilo vseh pet sevov neobčutljivih za okužbo. Ocenjujemo, da ima bakteriofag pri 28 °C aplikativen potencial za uporabo pri obvladovanju bolezni orhidej, vendar moramo pri tem upoštevati možnost razvoja odpornosti bakterij.

Keywords:Dickeya spp., Dickeya fangzhongdai, bakteriofag BF25/12, Podoviridae, obvladovanje bolezni rastlin, mehke gnilobe, orhideje, temperatura, plaki, adsorpcija bakteriofaga, kinetika okužbe z bakteriofagom, test LAS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131101 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77487363  This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of temperature on interaction between Dickeya fangzhongdai and Podoviridae bacteriophage BF25/12
Strains of bacteria Dickeya fangzhongdai cause soft-rot disease, which is responsible for high economic loss in commercial production of orchids in Slovenia. One of the disease control options is the bacteriophage BF25/12, which specifically infects some of the strains of D. fangzhongdai and could therefore be used to control soft-rot in orchids. Before the bacteriophage can be used in practice, the interactions with the host bacterium under different environmental conditions such as pH, UV radiation and temperature need to be studied. The aim of this master thesis was to investigate the effect of temperature on the interaction between D. fangzhongdai and bacteriophage BF25/12. The study was conducted by plaque assay, adsorption test and by monitoring bacterial growth in liquid media in the presence of bacteriophage. Strains B16, MK7 and JS5T were found to be more susceptible to bacteriophage infection at lower temperatures (20 and 28 °C) than at higher temperatures (37 and 42 °C). In addition, it was found that more bacteriophages were adsorbed on the surface of D. fangzhongdai B16 at 28 °C than at 37 °C. By monitoring the bacterial growth, the differences in infection kinetics between different D. fangzhongdai strains at different temperatures were observed. At 28 °C, strains B16 and MK7 were sensitive, strain JS5T was moderately sensitive, and strains S1 and NCPPB 3274 were insensitive to bacteriophage infection. Howevert, at 37 °C, all five strains were insensitive to infection. It is concluded that bacteriophage BF25/12 has potential application for orchid disease control at 28 °C, but the possibility of bacterial resistance should be considered.

Keywords:Dickeya spp., Dickeya fangzhongdai, bacteriophage BF25/12, Podoviridae, plant, disease control, soft-root, orchids, temperature, plaques, bacteriophage adsorption, bacteriophage infection kinetics, liquid assay score

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