
Nadlegovanje mater na delovnem mestu (matahara) v sodobni japonski družbi
ID Barovič Božjak, Laura (Author), ID Culiberg, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Japonska je na Indeksu enakosti spolov trenutno na 121. mestu na lestvici 153 držav in beleži daleč največjo razliko med spoloma med razvitimi državami. Na Japonskem se je razvila posebna vrsta nadlegovanja, imenovana matahara. Izraz izhaja iz angleškega izraza 'maternity harassment' in zajema nadlegovanje zaradi nosečnosti, poroda ali skrbi za otroka, zaradi česar so ženske posledično diskriminirane. V diplomski nalogi najprej predstavim pojav matahara, obrazložim različne vrste in podam statistiko o razširjenosti te oblike nadlegovanja. V naslednjem poglavju se poglobim v možne razloge za obstoj tega pojava, te pa delim na dve večji skupini: tradicionalne vloge posameznikov glede na spol ter delovanje in hierarhijo japonskih podjetij. Pri tem se zanašam tudi na odgovore anketnega vprašalnika neprofitne organizacije Matahara Net, ki od leta 2014 širi zavedanje o nadlegovanju in pomaga žrtvam. Nato se v tretjem sklopu naloge osredotočim na obstoječo zakonodajo proti diskriminaciji in nadlegovanju zaradi spola ali nosečnosti. Prvi japonski zakon, ki naj bi preprečil diskriminacijo na delovnem mestu, je bil Zakon za enake možnosti zaposlovanja med spoloma, sprejet leta 1985, vendar je bil pred revizijo precej pomanjkljiv. Na koncu naloge opišem še nekaj posledic nadlegovanja matahara, ki se kažejo tako na osebnem nivoju kot tudi širše v družbi.

Keywords:nadlegovanje, materinstvo, diskriminacija, zaposlitev, zakonodaja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Barovič Božjak]
Number of pages:31 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131100 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:94476803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The workplace harassment of mothers (matahara) in modern Japanese society
Japan is currently 121st out of 153 countries on the Global Gender Gap Report and has the largest gap between genders when compared to other developed nations. A special type of harassment has developed in Japan, known as matahara. The term comes from the English phrase ‘maternity harassment’ and means that women are harassed because of pregnancy, childbirth, or childcare, and are consequently treated unfairly. In my dissertation, I first introduce the expression matahara, explain the various forms it can take, and present some statistics about the extent of this problem. In the next chapter, I cover some of the possible reasons behind the existence of matahara. I divide these into two groups: traditional gender roles and the operations and hierarchical structure of Japanese companies. In this part of the thesis, I also include the answers of a questionnaire carried out by the non-profit organization Matahara Net, which has been spreading awareness of maternity harassment and helping victims since 2014. In the third section of my dissertation, I focus on the existing legislation regarding discrimination and harassment because of gender or pregnancy. The Equal Opportunity Law of 1985 was the first law to prevent such discrimination at work but was largely insufficient until further revision. I also describe some of the consequences of matahara on both an individual and societal scale at the end of my thesis.

Keywords:harassment, motherhood, discrimination, employment, legislation

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