Office work requires a comprehensive treatment of the worker in the work environment and work process, so it is necessary to plan a safe work environment and ensure ergonomic arrangement of workplaces. The purpose of the thesis is based on the comparison of theoretical findings and research results to form proposals for the selected organization, which could improve the field of safety at work. The work addresses individual aspects of a safe working environment and safety at work, with particular emphasis on aspects of ergonomic design of workplaces and the planning and design of office space.
A survey in the studied organization examined how employees assess the aspect of a safe and ergonomically designed work environment. The results of the research show that a safe working environment in the selected organization is relatively well taken care of, but there are still some unresolved details in the field of ergonomically arranged working environment. It would be necessary to ensure better orderliness of the installation of screens in terms of distance from the eyes and the height of the top bar. It should also be possible to adjust the work surface according to the size of the body. The work environment in which employees work is safe and comfortable. The microclimate is appropriate, the colors have a relatively beneficial effect on employees. Familiarity with fire safety regulations is at a satisfactory level, chairs are flexible and appropriate, noise exposure is adequate.
The results of the research will help anyone interested in ensuring a safe working environment. The theoretical part aligns with the conducted research and adds new findings to the field of the safe working environment. Employers can use the findings of this thesis to evaluate and improve the workspace in their company.