In my masters thesis I will work on the subject of layers of reality. Reality is very subjective, multilayered and hard to explain with science. When we dwelve into discovery of the fundamental particles of our reality, we get into trouble soon enough, for we lack information, observational possibility and our understanding is limited. Thus getting to the bottom of truth is tricky. We find problems with reality in our daily life aswell, for our subjective comprehension of reality is mangled; the world as we see it is only a delicate hallucitnation of our brain that enables us to function. Offcourse our perception of fellowmen is just as magled as is our self- perception, because it is based on past experiences, our current mood etc. All this points to reality being very elusive, layered and subjective. This is exactly what I will focus my research on, in hopes of coming closer to understanding rality. In the practical part I will attempt to show these layers of reality with the help of coloured light, where different colours will reveal different motives on the painting.
We are halucinating all the time, only that when we agree on our hallucinations we call it reality.