
Vloga in pomen narkotikov v ustvarjalnosti Stanisława Ignacyja Witkiewicza : diplomsko delo
ID Zajc, Lucija (Author), ID Jež, Niko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočila na vlogo in pomen narkotikov v ustvarjalnosti Stanisława Ignacyja Witkiewicza na podlagi njegovih teoretskih izhodišč in praktičnih eksperimentov, pri čemer sem večino pozornosti namenila njegovi romaneskni ustvarjalnosti. Umetnik je bil aktiven na mnogih področjih, mdr. je napisal tudi precej obsežno umetnostno teorijo, ki v ospredje postavlja Čisto formo. Teorija predpostavlja, da je bistvo umetnosti forma, ki s svojo čistostjo v človeku vzbudi »metafizični občutek«, kar je podlaga za Witkacyjevo hierarhično vrednotenje umetnosti, pri čemer literaturo postavlja na najnižjo stopnico. Pri Čisti umetnosti vsebina postane nepomembna in je lahko povsem poljubna, forma pa postane njena bistvena sestavina. Ker v prozi vsebina igra preveliko vlogo, da bi se je lahko osvobodila, se Čisti formi ne more dovolj približati, da bi lahko uresničila metafizično doživetje. Četudi pa je vsebina za Čisto umetnost nerelevantna, je še kako potrebna, saj mora biti umetnik pri ustvarjanju prisoten s celotnim bistvom, kar vključuje njegov intelekt, duševnost in vse okoliščine, v katerih ustvarja, kar zajema tudi morebitno opojenost s psihoaktivnimi substancami. Narkotiki v Witkacyjevem opusu igrajo pomembno vlogo, tako v likovni umetnosti kot v literaturi. Na podlagi njegovih teoretskih izhodišč, sem poskusila utemeljiti relevantnost proze ob analizi umetnikovih romanov Pożegnanie jesieni in Nienasycenie ter na temeljih njegovih eksperimentov z narkotičnimi substancami izluščiti vlogo in pomen slednjih v ustvarjalnosti Stanisława Ignacyja Witkiewicza.

Keywords:poljska književnost, poljski pisatelji, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Čista forma, Pożegnanie jesieni, Nienasycenie, narkotiki, 20. stoletje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Zajc]
Number of pages:32 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130966 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.162.1-31.09Witkiewicz S. I.:613.83
COBISS.SI-ID:82938627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2021
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Title:The role and importance of narcotics in the creative work of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
In my bachelor thesis, I focused on the role and importance of narcotics in the creative work of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz (mainly his novels), based on his theoretical background and practical experiments. The artist was active in many differend fields, including a rather extensive body of art theory writing that puts Pure Form at the forefront. The theory purports that the essence of art is form, which awakens, with its purity, a »metaphysical feeling« in a person. That is the basis for Witkacy's hierarchical evaluation of art, in which he ascribes the lowest artistic value to literature. In Pure Art, the content becomes irrelevant and can be completely arbitrary, whereas the form becomes the essential component. When it comes to prose, the content plays too important a role for the work to be liberated from it, therefore novels cannot come close enough to Pure Form, cannot be perceived as Pure Art. Even though the content is irrelevant, it is still necessary, as the artist must be present in the creation with their whole essence - their intellect, psyche and all the circumstances in which they create, including possible intoxication with psychoactive substances. Narcotics play an important role in Witkacy’s oeuvre, both in his visual arts and in literature. Taking into account his theoretical background, I tried to substantiate the relevance of prose in the analyses of his novels Pożegnanie jesieni and Nienasycenie. I also tried to extract the role and significance of narcotics in Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz's creative work on the basis of his experiments with such substances.

Keywords:Polish literature, Polish writers, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, The Pure Form, Pożegnanie jesieni, Nienasycenie, narcotics, 20th century

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