The thesis explores the variability of Slovak paremiological units, ie. proverbs and sayings containing a component with ornithonyms (names of bird spb hhecies) with the help of the language corpus of the Slovak language JULS (Jazykovedný ústav Št. Štúra slovenskej akadémie vied) and dictionaries SSSJ and KSSJ. The theoretical part presents the terms used in the research part of the thesis, e.g. phraseology, phrasem, paremiology, paremiological genres, variability, phraseological renovations, etc. In the empiric part of the thesis, I investigate deviations from the norm (variability, renewal and interplanar transformations) in paremias with ornithonyms mentioned by SSSJ (Slovník súčasného slovenského jazyka) and KSSJ (Krátky slovník slovenského jazyka) by using the language corpus.
I answered the following questions: are the variants listed in the dictionaries actually established in use? How many paremias found on the web are in common use among speakers, while not mentioned in the dictionaries? The aim of the research is to find out the dictionary weaknesses of paremias and how they could possibly be improved.