
Nevarnosti družbenih omrežij in njihov vpliv na mlade : diplomsko delo
ID Janjić, Dajana (Author), ID Majsova, Natalija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Družbena omrežja so spletne platforme, ki uporabnikom nudijo možnost za vzpostavitev novih in ohranjanje starih medosebnih odnosov oziroma stikov. Tako lahko njihova uporaba skoraj v celoti spremeni naše medosebne odnose, način zaslužka ali pa celo naše mentalno zdravje. V diplomskem delu predstavljam nevarnosti družbenih omrežij in njihov vpliv na mlade. Cilj empirične raziskave je bil analizirati strategije samo-prezentacije slovenske mladine na družbenih omrežjih in nato oceniti, v kolikšni meri se zavedajo nevarnosti, kot so spletno nadlegovanje, skrite vsebine, negativen učinek na samopodobo ipd. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili nastanek najbolj priljubljenih družbenih platform ter njihove izzive, nevarnosti, cilje in funkcije. Posvetili smo se tudi primerjavi lepotnega standarda na treh najbolj priljubljenih omrežjih – na TikToku, Instagramu ter Facebooku. Empirični del sem izvedla s pomočjo anonimne ankete, ki sem jo delila na svojem Instagram profilu in jo kasneje tudi analizirala. Vprašanja so se nanašala predvsem na način uporabe družbenih omrežij in počutje anketirancev ob uporabi le-teh. Rezultati so pokazali, da so mladi najbolj vpeti v platformo Instagram, na kateri se lepotnim standardom pripisuje velik pomen. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da se mnogi izmed anketirancev srečujejo s socialno primerjavo, ki lahko vodi tako do negativnih kot tudi pozitivnih posledic.

Keywords:Družbena omrežja, nevarnosti, samopodoba, mladi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Janjić]
Number of pages:54 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130961 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:86870275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The dangers of social networks and their impact on young people
Social networks are online platforms that offer users the opportunity to establish new and maintain old interpersonal relationships or contacts. Thus, their use can almost completely change our interpersonal relationships, way of earning, or even our mental health. In my dissertation I present the dangers of social networks and their impact on young people. The aim of the empirical research was to analyze the strategies of self-presentation of Slovenian youth on social networks and then assess the extent to which they are aware of the dangers, such as online harassment, hidden content, negative impact on self-esteem, etc. In the theoretical part, I presented the emergence of the most popular social platforms and their challenges, dangers, goals and functions. I also devoted myself to comparing the beauty standard on the three most popular networks – TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. I did the empirical part with the help of an anonymous survey, which I shared on my Instagram profile and later analyzed. The questions were mainly related to the way of using social networks and the well-being of the respondents when using them. The results showed that young people are most involved in the Instagram platform, on which beauty standards are given great importance. The results of the survey showed that many of the respondents face a social comparison that can lead to both negative and positive consequences.

Keywords:Social networks, dangers, self-image, youth

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