
Analiza dela in zaposlovanja osebnih asistentov za osebe z ovirami : magistrsko delo
ID Plešec, Nina (Author), ID Filipovič Hrast, Maša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dobri dve leti sta minili od sprejetja Zakona o osebni asistenci in izvajanja osebne asistence na sistemski ravni. V tem času so se pokazale prednosti zakonsko urejene osebne asistence, kot je večja dostopnost storitve osebne asistence v Sloveniji. V praksi so se pokazale tudi pomanjkljivosti, ki bi potrebovale ponovno razpravo in zakonsko ureditev, med drugim pomanjkanje kadra, nizko plačilo osebnih asistentov in pomanjkljiv nadzor nad izvajanjem osebne asistence. Z intervjuji sem pridobila pogled obeh akterjev, osebnih asistentov in izvajalcev, ki vidijo realno sliko in lahko s tem opozorijo na napake in potrebne spremembe. Izkazalo se je, da so v praksi velike razlike med različnimi storitvami in oblikami pomoči, namenjenimi ljudem z ovirami. Pomoč na domu in socialni servis sta storitvi, ki sta namenjeni le za zadovoljevanje osnovnih in najnujnejših potreb, zato posledično ne omogočata samostojnosti uporabnika. Osebna asistenca pa je dejavnost, ki omogoča neodvisnost posameznika od družine in drugih ter pomaga pri aktivnem vključevanju v ostale dejavnosti zunaj domačega okolja ter s tem omogoči uresničevanje enakih možnosti. Osebni asistenti menijo, da je njihovo delo premalo ovrednoteno in brez možnosti napredovanja. Med tem si izvajalci osebne asistence želijo predvsem navodila, ki bodo veljala za vse enako, in jasno definirano delo osebnih asistentov.

Keywords:osebna asistenca, ljudje z ovirami, zaposlovanje osebnih asistentov, izvajalci osebne asistence
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Plešec]
Number of pages:88 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130876 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:80496899 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the work and employment of personal assistants for people with disabilities
More than two years have passed since the adoption of the Personal Assistance Act and the implementation of personal assistance at the system level. During this time, the advantages of legally regulated personal assistance, such as greater accessibility of the personal assistance service in Slovenia, become apparent. In practice, shortcomings have also emerged that would require re-discussion and regulation, including the lack of staff, low salary for personal assistants and a lack of control over the implementation of personal assistance. Through the interviews, I gained the view of both actors, personal assistants and personal assistance providers, who see the real picture and can thus point out mistakes and necessary changes. In practice, there have been major differences between the various services and forms of assistance for people with disabilities. Home assistance and social service are services that are intended only to meet basic and most urgent needs, and consequently do not allow the user independence. Personal assistance is an activity that enables the independence of the individual from the family and others and helps in active involvement in other activities outside the home environment and thus enabling the realization of equal opportunities. Personal assistants feel that their work is undervalued and without the possibility of advancement. While personal assistance providers primarily want instructions that will apply to everyone equally and clearly define work of personal assistants.

Keywords:personal assistance, people with disabilities, employment of personal assistants, personal assistance providers

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