
Poklicna orientacija gibalno oviranih mladostnikov
ID Mohorič, Karmen (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mladostništvo velja za precej zahtevno obdobje, ki poleg identitetne krize prinese tudi zelo veliko odgovornosti pri sprejemanju prvih odločitev v življenju. Ena od teh je tudi izbira poklica. V ta namen je v šolski sistem umeščena poklicna orientacija, ki je v največji meri odgovornost šolskih svetovalnih delavcev. Učenci s posebnimi potrebami morajo biti pri odločanju o izobraževanju in želenem poklicu še bolj previdni. Izbira poklica in izbira izobraževanja sta povezani z možnostjo zaposlitve, ki pa je pri gibalno oviranih osebah pogosto manjša oz. je število brezposelnih višje kot pri večinski populaciji. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli pridobiti vpogled v poklicno orientacijo, ki so je deležni gibalno ovirani učenci in mladostniki ter v njihovo zadovoljstvo z izkušenim. V ta namen smo izvedli pet intervjujev z gibalno oviranimi mladostnicami, ki so doživele vsaj en prehod na višjo raven izobraževanja. Zanimale so nas njihove izkušnje, ki jih imajo s poklicno orientacijo v šoli in tudi v okviru zunajšolskih organizacij. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako je bil program izveden. V okviru intervjuja smo pridobili vpogled v lastno doživljanje posameznikov v zvezi s poklicno orientacijo, izbiro poklica in šolanja. Pridobili smo informacije o zadovoljstvu mladostnic s poklicno orientacijo, ki so je bile deležne, njihovo mnenje o možnih spremembah in kako po njihovem mnenju gibalna oviranost vpliva na izbiro poklica. Ugotovili smo, da so gibalno ovirani mladostniki deležni različnih oblik poklicne orientacije, ki se izvajajo različno hitro – pri nekaterih že v osmem razredu, pri drugih šele v devetem razredu. Manjši del gibalno oviranih mladostnikov pozna in je vključen v zunanje institucije, ki skrbijo za poklicno orientacijo, kot je projekt Prehod mladih. Na poklicno odločitev najbolj vpliva družina, obenem pa imajo vpliv tudi interesi, želje in gibalna oviranost kot taka. Gibalna oviranost vpliva na izbiro poklica zaradi fizičnih omejitev, možnosti transporta do šole, pri omejitvah pri izvedbi poklica, omejitvah pri zaposlitvi in potrebah po gibanju. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se razlikuje zadovoljstvo gibalno oviranih mladostnikov z izkušnjami poklicne orientacije. Mladostniki, ki so deležni bolj poglobljene poklicne orientacije, so bolj zadovoljni. Trenutna poklicna orientacija, ki jo svetovalni delavci izvajajo, potrebuje naslednje prilagoditve: dlje časa trajajoč proces, pozornost nameniti posebnim potrebam, več informiranja in bolj individualno zasnovana poklicna orientacija. Edini razliki med poklicno orientacijo mladostnikov z gibalno oviranostjo in njihovimi vrstniki sta informiranje ter pogovori v okviru dodatne strokovne pomoči. Prav tako je zelo malo sodelovanja med svetovalnimi delavci, ki izvajajo poklicno orientacijo, in starši mladostnikov, saj le redko sodelujejo v okviru roditeljskih ter individualnih sestankov.

Keywords:gibalno ovirani mladostniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130827 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76708099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Professional orientation of physically impared adolescents
Adolescence is known to be a very stressful period, that not only comes with possible identity crisis, but also increased responsibilities for accepting first major life decisions. One of those is picking the right career path. To aid with that, there is a special professional orientation included in the school system, which is mostly the responsibility of consultancy workers. Adolescents with special needs must be even more diligent with picking a profession, since career or education choice are tightly connected with the chance of being employed, which is usually lower for physically impaired. The aim of this thesis was to acquire the look into professional orientation of physically impaired adolescents and their satisfaction with the experience. For these purposes we have carried out five interviews with adolescents with physical impairments, that have each experienced at least one transition to a higher education level. We were interested in their experiences with the professional orientation in school and with extra-curricular organizations. We were also intrigued with how the program was executed. With the help of the interview we were given insight into individual's experience regarding its professional orientation, career choice and education. We gathered information about adolescent’s satisfaction with professional orientation they received, their thoughts on possible improvements and how physical impairment affects their choice of a career. We discovered that physically impaired adolescents are given different forms of professional orientation that are panned out in varying speed - some receive professional orientation in 8th grade, while others in 9th. Lesser part of physically impaired adolescents is informed and included in extra-curricular organizations that aid with professional orientation such as Prehod mladih. Career decision is mostly affected by the adolescent's family, but also their interests, wishes and their impairment as such. Physical impairment affects job selection due to physical limitation, ability of transport to school, limitations with job execution and being employed, as well as their inability to move. We have also discovered that the satisfaction of physically impaired adolescents with professional orientation differs, in which the adolescents that are given more in-depth orientation are also more satisfied. Current professional orientation that the consultancy workers undertake needs the following adjustments: longer period, dedicating attention to special needs, more informing and individually designed professional orientation. The only differences between professional orientation for adolescents with physical impairment and their peers are information they are provided and talks in regards with additional professional aid. There is also very little co-operation between professional workers that execute professional orientation and adolescent's parent. Those two groups rarely work together in meetings.

Keywords:physically impaired adolescents

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