
Celostna grafična podoba restavracije – Kingrill
ID Kobal, Lea (Author), ID Ražman, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo Celostna grafična podoba restavracije ‒ Kingrill najprej predstavi zgodovinsko ozadje, in sicer sredino prejšnjega stoletja v Združenih državah Amerike. Dotakne se tudi nostalgije, njenega psihološkega vpliva na ljudi in tega, kako jo uporabiti v našo korist, ko oblikujemo. V drugem delu je predstavljena celostna grafična podoba tipične ameriške restavracije, ki temelji na tem zgodovinskem obdobju in nostalgiji. Poudarek pri oblikovanju je na barvah, vzorcih, teksturah in načinu tiska v štirih barvah, ki je ponazorjen z različnimi programi. Najobširneje oblikovani izdelki za restavracijo so jedilni listi, ki zaobjamejo izbrano zgodovinsko obdobje in geografski položaj. Celotno oblikovanje temelji na iskanju ravnovesja med rustikalnim in domačim ter modernim in sofisticiranim.

Keywords:Vizualne komunikacije Celostna grafična podoba Ameriško oblikovanje Restavracija Nostalgija Tekstura Tiskarski raster Notranja oprema Diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130800 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Visual brand idenitity of a restaurant - Kingrill
Diploma thesis, titled Visual Brand Identity of a restaurant – Kingrill, first describes the historic background of mid-century America. It touched on nostalgia, its psychological influence on people and how it can be used to our advantage when designing. The second part of the thesis focuses on the visual identity of a typical American restaurant, which is based on the mentioned historic background and nostalgia. The emphasis of the design is on colors, patterns, textures and the four-color printing manner, which is illustrated with the help of different programs. The most extensive design components of the restaurant are a series of menus, which encapsulate the chosen historic period and geographic position. The whole design focuses on finding the balance between rustic and cozy, and modern and sophisticated.

Keywords:Visual communications Corporate identity American design Restaurant Nostalgia Texture Halftone screen Interior design BA thesis

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