
Sodobni človek išče
ID Prislan, Katarina (Author), ID Ožbolt, Alen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berlot Pompe, Uršula (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi bom predstavila avtorsko delo z naslovom Sodobni človek išče. S projektom v ospredje postavljam predvsem izolacijo pred medijsko in informacijsko poplavo današnje družbe. Internet, umetni rizom ali umetna nevronska povezava velike večine posameznikov tega sveta je postala nekakšna kolektivna zavest, ki pa se znotraj korporacij, politike in ostalih družbenih odnosov uporablja za sredstvo manipulacije in niti približno zgolj za obveščanje ter širjenje znanja. Glede na to, da sem za obliko same instalacije izbrala spiralo, se bom posvetila tej obliki, njenemu pomenu in stalni prisotnosti v vsem, kar nas obdaja, nato pa še njeni povezavi z labirintom in meditacijo. Z meditacijo posameznik išče notranji mir in ravnovesje. Bistvo je, da z vsemi dražljaji iz okolja preobremenjen pogled upremo navznoter, v temo in se s tem izognemo manipulativnosti informacijskega sistema.

Keywords:kiparstvo umetnost instalacije labirint spirala meditativna hoja družbeni mediji diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130766 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2021
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Title:The modern man in search
In my graduation thesis I will present my installation entitled Modern Man in Search. In this project I am focusing on isolation from the media and flood of information of today's society. The Internet, an artificial rhizome or artificial neural connection of the vast majority of individuals in this world, has become a kind of collective consciousness, which within corporations, politics and other social relations is used as a means of manipulation and is far from mere intention to inform and spread knowledge. Given that I have chosen a spiral for the shape of the installation itself, I will also focus on this shape, its meaning, constant presence and repetition. I continue by focusing on the labyrinth and its connection to meditation. People seek inner peace and balance through meditation. The aim of meditation is to redirect our gaze, overwhelmed with outside stimuli, inwards into the darkness and thus avoid the manipulativeness of the information system.

Keywords:sculpture installation art labyrinth spiral walking meditation social media BA thesis

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