
Uporaba ilustracije pri filmskih upodobitvah, narejenih po knjižnih literarnih predlogah
ID Sprager, Manca (Author), ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V prvem, teoretičnem delu raziskovanja smo se vprašali, kaj točno je filmska upodobitev in do kakšnih razsežnosti segajo njene zmogljivosti. Vsesplošno prepričanje kritikov s področja filmske adaptacije velja, da filmske upodobitve ne obsegajo zmožnosti upodobitve zgodbe, ki je zapisana v knjigi. Za nekatere je dovolj že razlog, da gre za popolnoma drugačen medij sporočanja, medtem ko se jih večina ukvarja z vsebino in tem, kako nemogoče jo je pravilno prenesti na filmsko platno. V diplomskem delu smo raziskali, katere teorije vodijo do takšnih prepričanj in na čem slonijo. Ob tem smo naleteli tudi na dejstvo, da filmske upodobitve, narejene po knjižnih predlogah, svojim izvirnikom dajejo novo vrednost in večje povpraševanje. Sum, do katerega je prišlo ob pojavu filma, da bo ta izrinil knjige, je torej napačen. Tako filmska upodobitev kot njen izvirnik eden drugemu nudita določeno mero varnosti in pozornosti. To smo raziskali na podlagi nekaterih primerov filmskih upodobitev. Ob tem nas je zanimalo, ali so si filmske upodobitve, ki nastanejo po ilustriranih knjižnih predlogah, podobne z ilustracijami svojih izvirnikov. Raziskali smo, kako poteka prenos zgodbe iz knjige v filmski medij, in ob tem našli drugačne funkcije ilustracije in poklice, ki se s tem ukvarjajo. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako pri svojem delu v proces nastajanja filma režiserja Tim Burton in Federico Fellini vključujeta ilustracijo in kakšen je v njunih očeh njen namen. Glede na to, da se ilustracijo uporablja kot predlogo, nas je zanimalo, ali se jo potemtakem lahko smatra kot skico. V praktičnem delu smo ustvarili ilustracijo z enakim namenom, kot ga imajo tiste, ki jih uporabljajo v procesu nastajanja filma. Naredili smo hipotetični prototip ilustracije kot prvo vizualno upodobitev, ki bi bila potrjena s pisateljeve strani in lahko služi kot osnova, na katero bi se lahko opirali filmski ustvarjalci ob izdelovanju filmske upodobitve iste zgodbe.

Keywords:filmska upodobitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130513 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76425987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Use of illustrations in film adaptations of literature
In the first, theoretical part, we asked ourselves what a film adaptation actually is and what it can offer. A common misconception of the critics of this field is that film adaptations are incapable to present all the aspects of the story captured in a book. While most critics are concerned with the content of the story that is being presented on a movie screen, for some the fact that the film is a different medium is a reason enough to doubt its ability. In this diploma work we researched the theories that lead to such assumptions and what they are based on. During our research we found that film adaptations based on books give their literary sources a new value and a higher book sale demand. The arrival of the medium of film led to the assumption that the film would eliminate the medium of books, an assumption which proved mistaken. In reality, film adaptations and their literary sources - books provide a sense of security and attention to one another. We explored this idea through some examples of film adaptations. In our research we also wondered if film adaptations based on books keep the look of the book illustrations they are based on. We also researched the transmission from book into film, and while doing so we identified other functions of illustration and the jobs involved in their making. We were intereseted in the work process of two film directors, Tim Burton and Federico Fellini, who both include illustration and sketches in their work process; we discussed their view of the function of illustration. Considering the fact that illustration is used as a template, we wondered if illustration can be viewed as sketch. For the practical part we made an illustration with the same intention as those made for a film production. We made a hypothetical prototype of a visual representation, which would then be approved by the book author and would serve as a visual sample for the creators of the film adaptation.

Keywords:film adaptation

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