
Eksperimentiranje v tehnikah stirografije
ID Smodiš, Gaja (Author), ID Frelih, Črtomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti in analizirati načine in postopke ustvarjanja v grafični tehniki, ki se imenuje stirografija po osnovnem materialu stiroporu. To je eno tehničnih imen za polistiren ali »PS«, ki se uporablja za izdelavo matrice. Stirografijo je pred nekaj leti začel raziskovati in uvajati v grafiko priznani slovenski grafik in profesor Črtomir Frelih. V svojem diplomskem delu bom v tehnološkem smislu raziskala nekatera področja, ki še niso raziskana ali objavljena v strokovni literaturi. Različne tehnike stirografije bom primerjala med seboj ter z ostalimi tehnikami visokega tiska, v likovnem smislu pa bom ob tehnoloških raziskavah razvijala lastne likovne koncepte, vezane na likovno izrazilo točka in njene modalitete. Od diplomskega dela si obetamo prispevek k poglobitvi znanja s področja stirografije in njenih razširjenih tehničnih možnosti ter njene uporabnosti v osnovni šoli.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130512 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76413955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Experimenting in styrographic techniques
The purpose of this thesis is to present and analyze different procedures of creating in a graphic technique called styrography after the basic material styrofoam. This is one of the technical names for polystyrene or “PS” used to make the printing matrix. Styroprint was researched and introduced into graphics a few years ago by slovenian artist and a professor Črtomir Frelih. I am going to research some technological areas, which have not been entirely researched and which have not yet been published in the professional literature. I will compare different styrography techniques with each other and with other relief printing techniques. In terms of art, I will develop my own art concepts related to the artistic expression of the point and its modalities in addition to technological research. From the thesis we expect a contribution to the deepening of knowledge in the field of styroprint, its extended technical possibilities and its applicability in primary school.


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