
Razvijanje jezikovne zmožnosti z didaktično igro pri slovenščini v 4. razredu
ID Resnik, Mojca (Author), ID Bešter Turk, Marja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rot Vrhovec, Alenka (Comentor)

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Didaktična igra je dinamična metoda dela, saj so učenci med igro zelo aktivni, uporabljajo različne konkretne materiale in doživljajo izkustveno učenje. Igra jim omogoča veselje, zabavo, preizkušanje različnih stvari, poleg tega pa se sploh ne zavedajo, da se z igro učijo. V UN za slovenščino (2018) je didaktična igra omenjena predvsem v prvem triletju, kasneje pa skoraj ne več. Glede na to, da naj bi imela pozitivne učinke na motivacijo in aktivnost učencev ter trajnost znanja, smo z raziskavo, ki je preplet kvalitativne in kvantitativne raziskave, poskušali ugotoviti, ali velja to tudi za učence 4. razreda. V raziskavo smo vključili dva oddelka 4. razreda, eden je bil eksperimentalna skupina, drugi pa kontrolna. V eksperimentalni skupini so bile izvedene tri didaktične igre pri jezikovnem pouku slovenščine, in sicer pri obravnavi tvorjenja povedi, rabe velike in male začetnice ter pomenskih razmerjih med besedami. Didaktične igre, ki smo jih zasnovali in preizkusili, so primerne za utrjevanje in ponavljanje snovi ter za različne učne oblike, kot so individualno delo, delo v paru in skupinsko delo. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki smo jih dobili z analizo preizkusov učencev ter anket za učence in učitelje. Učenci so pred izvedbo didaktične igre in po njej dobili preizkus znanja, s katerim smo ugotovili, kakšen vpliv ima didaktična igra na njihovo trajnost znanja. Z anketnimi vprašalniki in opazovalnim listom pa smo ugotovili, da so učenci med didaktično igro zelo aktivni, med seboj sodelujejo, se zabavajo, se jim ta način učenja zdi zelo privlačen in sprejemajo znanje z navdušenjem. Opazili smo, da je pri učencih, ki so se učili z didaktičnimi igrami, za razliko od učencev, ki smo jih učili frontalno, trajnost znanja nekoliko daljša, so pa učenci eksperimentalne skupine učno vsebino, ki smo jo poučevali s pomočjo didaktičnih iger, lažje ozavestili in priklicali v spomin kot učenci kontrolne skupine. Učenci so v anketi po izvedbi didaktičnih iger navajali, da so jim bile didaktične igre zelo všeč. Vsi so mislili, da se le igrajo, všeč pa jim je bilo tudi to, da so bili ves čas aktivni. Tudi anketirani učitelji 4. razreda navajajo podobne ugotovitve o rabi didaktičnih iger. Največ anketiranih si želi pogosteje uporabljati didaktične igre, ker verjamejo, da se bodo učenci z igro naučili več, učne ure bodo bolj razgibane in zabavne, učenci bodo na tak način bolj motivirani za učenje, bolj sproščeni in aktivnejši. Največ učiteljev 4. razreda uporablja didaktične igre enkrat do dvakrat mesečno in veliko anketiranih bi si želelo izvajati več didaktičnih iger pri slovenščini. Najpogosteje uporabljajo igre pri razvijanju jezikovne, slogovne, pravopisne in pravorečne zmožnosti in v uvodnem delu ure. Prednost dajejo predvsem didaktičnim igram za dvojice ter jih največkrat uporabijo pri ponavljanju učne snovi. Ideje za didaktične igre pa dobijo predvsem v literaturi, manj kot polovica anketiranih pa si jih izmisli sama ali ideje najdejo na spletu.

Keywords:jezikovna zmožnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130510 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76392451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Developing language skills with didactic games at Slovene in fourth grade
Didactic game is a dynamic method of work, as students are very active during the game, they are using a variety of concrete materials and they are learning through experiences. The game allows them to have fun, trying different things, and besides, they are not even aware that they are learning through games. In the curriculum for Slovene (2018), the didactic game is mentioned mainly in the first three years, but later almost no more. Because didactic game supposed to have positive effects on students' motivation and activity and the sustainability of knowledge, we tried to determine whether this also applies to 4th grade students with a research that is an intertwining of qualitative and quantitative research. Two 4th grade departments were included in the study, one was the experimental group and the other was the control group. In the experimental group, three didactic games were performed in the language teaching of Slovene, namely in the discussion of sentence formation, the use of uppercase and lowercase letters and semantic relations between words. The didactic games we have designed and tested are suitable for refreshing and repeating subject matter and for various forms of learning, such as individual work, pair work and group work. The empirical part presents the results obtained by analyzing student tests and surveys for students and teachers. Before and after the didactic game, the students were given a test to determine the impact of the didactic game on their knowledge sustainability. With questionnaires and an observation sheet, we found that they are very active during the didactic game, they cooperate with each other, have fun, finding this way of learning very attractive and are accepting knowledge with greater enthusiasm. We found a difference that in students who learned through didactic games, the permanence of knowledge is slightly longer than in students who were taught frontally. We noticed that in group of students who learned with didactic games, in contrast to students who learned frontally, the durability of knowledge is slightly longer, so the students of the experimental group found the learning content taught with the help of didactic games easier to aware and recall as control group students. Students stated that they liked the didactic games very much. Everyone thought they were just playing, but they also liked that they were active all the time. The surveyed 4th grade teachers also state similar findings about the use of didactic games.. Most interviewees want to use didactic games more often because they believe that students will learn more through the game, lessons will be more varied and fun, students will be more motivated to learn, more relaxed and active. They use didactic games once or twice a month and many of them would like to perform more didactic games in Slovene. They most often use games in developing language, stylistic, spelling and orthographic skills and in the introductory part of the lesson. They give priority to didactic games for couples and most often use them to repeat the subject matter. Ideas for didactic games are obtained mainly in the literature, and less than half of interviewees invent them themselves or find ideas online.

Keywords:language ability

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