
Zaznavanje zasedenosti prostora z napravo lidar
ID FRELIH ČRV, JAŠA (Author), ID Rozman, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se sooča s problematiko avtomatizacije uporabe hotelskih in konferenčnih sob preko zaznavanja zasedenosti prostora. Najbolj pogosti indikatorji zasedenosti prostora so trenutno kartični sistemi RFID. V diplomskem delu smo zasnovali in izvedli prototipni sistem, ki informacijo o zasedenosti pridobi na samodejni način (brez interakcije z uporabnikom), kar pripomore k bolj ekonomičnemu in učinkovitemu upravljanju delovanja hotelov ter drugih zgradb. Sistem temelji na obstoječi elektronski napravi LIDAR LMP - 1.LI1, ki smo jo aparaturno nadgradili in ji dodali ustrezno programsko opremo. V tem okvirju je poglavitni prispevek tega dela preprost in zanesljiv algoritem za zaznavanje zasedenosti prostora na osnovi izvedenih meritev z napravo lidar. Ta namreč zaporedoma premeri celoten prostor oziroma spodnji del sfere in zajete podatke analizira. Zajete podatke o merjenih razdaljah v različnih smereh najprej pretvorimo iz polarnih v kartezični zapis in nato prostor izrišemo v 3D predstavitvi. Iz več zaporednih meritev zaznamo morebitne spremembe in sklepamo o zasedenosti prostora. Dodan grafični uporabniški vmesnik omogoča nastavitev naprave. Delovanje naprave smo temeljito preizkusili in ugotovili, da zadovoljuje zastavljene cilje in hkrati kaže potencial za nadaljnji razvoj končnega izdelka na tej osnovi.

Keywords:lidar tipalo, 3D izris prostora, zaznavanje zasedenosti prostora
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130465 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76591363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Room occupancy detection using lidar device
The thesis addresses the problem of automating the use of hotel and conference rooms through occupancy sensing. RFID card systems are used as the most common room occupancy indicators. In this thesis, we have designed and implemented a prototype system that automatically obtains occupancy information (without user interaction), which helps to manage hotels and other buildings more economically and efficiently. The system is based on the existing LIDAR LMP - 1.LI1 electronic device , which has been upgraded with adequate hardware and software. In this context, the main contribution of this work is a simple and reliable algorithm for room occupancy detection based on the measurements taken by the lidar device. Namely, the lidar sequentially measures the distances in the lower part of the sphere and analyses the acquired data. The measured distances in different directions are first converted from polar to Cartesian notation and then the space is plotted in a 3D representation. From the comparison of several successive measurements, changes are detected and conclusions about the occupancy of the room are drawn. An added graphical user interface enables setting the device. We have thoroughly tested the performance of the device and found that it meets the main objectives while showing the potential for further development into the final product.

Keywords:lidar sensor, 3D space draw, detection of room occupancy

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