
Lahko branje kot vidik opolnomočenja oseb z motnjami v duševnem razvoju
ID Zonta, Monika (Author), ID Vidmar, Ksenija H. (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jeznik, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi sem se posvetila razširjenosti lahkega branja v socialno varstvenih centrih po Sloveniji, kjer nudijo storitve usposabljanja, dela in varstva odraslim osebam z motnjami v duševnem razvoju (v nadaljevanju MDR). Pri strokovnih delavcih v centru me je zanimalo poznavanje področja lahkega branja in uporabe le-tega pri delu z uporabniki. Prav tako sem raziskala področja branja, inkluzije in aktivnega državljanstva v povezavi z osebami z MDR. V teoretičnem delu naloge sem sprva razvijala teorijo od državljanstva do lahkega branja kot vidika opolnomočenja oseb z motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Pisala sem o (aktivnem) državljanstvu, (ne)enakih možnostih in opolnomočenju v povezavi z lahkim branjem. V nadaljevanju sem predstavila ciljno skupino magistrske naloge, to so odrasle osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Dotaknila sem se spreminjanja odnosa družbe do njih, razlike med integracijo in inkluzijo, vezano na osebe z MDR, ter opisala, kako potekajo izobraževanje, usposabljanje, delo in varstvo teh oseb. Nadalje sem pisala o procesu branja, bralni pismenosti v Sloveniji in o branju, vezanem na osebe z MDR. V četrtem sklopu teoretičnega dela sem zajela nekatere dejavnosti, ki so namenjene vključevanju oseb z MDR v družbo. Predstavila sem tudi sistemsko podlago, ki je vezana na osebe z MDR, in lahko branje. Nadaljevala sem podrobno o lahkem branju, in sicer kako se je razvijalo v Sloveniji, komu je namenjeno, o smernicah in pravilih, vrstah gradiv in organizacijah, ki se ukvarjajo z lahkim branjem, ter o projektih in lahkem branju v tujini. Zadnji del teoretičnega dela je na kratko namenjen knjižnici kot prostoru dostopnega gradiva. Empirični del vsebuje kvalitativno raziskavo, katero sem opravila s strokovnimi delavkami, ki so zaposlene v socialno varstvenih centrih po Sloveniji in nudijo storitve usposabljanja, dela ter varstva odraslim osebam z motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Na podlagi analize intervjujev, ki sem jih izvedla s šestimi strokovnimi delavkami, sem ugotovila, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način je lahko branje prisotno v centru. Pa tudi kolikšno je zanimanje uporabnikov za branje in kako center pripomore, da se spodbuja kultura branja. Poleg tega sem ugotovila, kako intervjuvanke razumejo pojem inkluzija in aktivno državljanstvo ter v katerih aspektih družbenega življenja bi lahko uporabili lahko branje. V magistrskem delu sem ugotovila, da so strokovne delavke pri razumevanju pojma inkluzija bližje razlagi termina integracija. Pri uporabnikih je, po oceni strokovnih delavk, interes za branje vezan na njihove kognitivne zmožnosti. Še vedno uporabljajo otroško in mladinsko literaturo za odrasle osebe z MDR. V centru sicer pri uporabnikih spodbujajo kulturo branja, zaposlene pa se pri delu poslužujejo gradiv v lahkem branju. O potrebi po že prilagojenem gradivu pri delu imajo strokovne delavke deljeno mnenje. Ugotovila sem, da je v prvi vrsti pomembna uporaba lahkega branja že v sami komunikaciji z uporabniki, šele kasneje so pomembna različna gradiva v lahkem branju. Strokovne delavke prepoznavajo nujnost lahkega branja v različnih aspektih družbenega delovanja oseb z MDR, kar uporabnikom prinaša več samostojnosti, sposobnost odločanja, opolnomočenje, povečano informiranost, dostop do raznovrstnih vsebin in razvijanje bralnih veščin. Aktivno državljanstvo razumejo kot dejavnost človeka, ki je enakopraven član družbe, se poslužuje državljanskih pravic, se vključuje in prispeva k družbi ter se povezuje in sodeluje z drugimi. Za aktivno državljanstvo je pomembno, da znamo informacije poiskati, jih razumeti in uporabiti. Lahko branje pa je en način dostopa do informacij. Prispevek magistrske naloge seže tako na področje sociologije kot na področje pedagogike. Za področje sociologije je naloga pomembna, saj odpira nove možnosti raziskovanja, kako osebe z lahko MDR vključujemo v družbo in kolikšen je njihov delež v njej, ter v manjši meri razkriva, v kolikšnem obsegu je lahko branje prisotno v naši družbi oziroma kakšno pot si utira v Republiki Sloveniji. Naslednji prispevek naloge sovpada z obema vedama, in sicer prinaša razumevanje pomena lahkega branja. Z vidika sociologije je lahko branje pomemben element za vključevanja oseb z MDR v družbo, z vidika pedagogike pa odpira nove načine dela z osebami z MDR. Prav tako naloga ustvarja možnost za večjo prepoznavnost lahkega branja med splošno in strokovno populacijo, tako na področju sociologije kot pedagogike. Z aspekta pedagogike naloga utira pot povečanemu številu različnih gradiv v lahkem branju, saj nudi znanje o vrstah in načinu prilagoditev in spodbuja k samostojni pripravi besedil (pravila, smernice). Pomemben prispevek k pedagogiki je tudi v tem, da je magistrsko delo osnova za nadaljnjo akademsko pot, kjer se morebiti lahko branje razvije kot dodatek k že obstoječemu predmetu ali kot samostojen (izbirni) predmet na fakulteti.

Keywords:odrasle osebe z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, socialno varstveni centri, lahko branje, opolnomočenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Zonta]
Number of pages:155 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130419 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75361539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Easy to read as an aspect of empowerment of persons with intellectual disabilities
In my master's thesis, I focused on the prevalence of easy-to-read in social care centres in Slovenia, where they offer training, work, and care services for adults with intellectual disabilities (hereinafter IDD). On the part of the professionals at the centre, I was interested in their knowledge of the easy-to-read and its use while working with service users. Furthermore, concerning adults with IDD, I have researched the areas of easy-to-read, inclusion, and active citizenship. In the theoretical part, I was initially developing a theory from active citizenship to easy-to-read as an aspect of empowering people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I wrote about (active) citizenship, (un)equal opportunities, and empowerment concerning easy-to-read. I then introduced the target group of my master's thesis, adults with intellectual disabilities, the changing attitudes of society towards them, the difference between integration and inclusion concerning people with IDD, and described how education, training, work, and care for these people are carried out. I also wrote about the process of reading, reading literacy in Slovenia, and reading related to people with IDD. In the fourth section of the theoretical part, I covered some of the activities aimed at integrating people with IDD into society. Furthermore, I presented the systemic basis related to people with IDD and Easy-to-read. I continued in detail about easy-to-read, how it has developed in Slovenia, for whom it was intended, guidelines and rules, types of materials and organization involved, as well as projects and easy-to-read abroad. The last section of the theoretical part is briefly devoted to the library as a place of accessible materials. The empirical part contains qualitative research, which I conducted with female professionals, working in social care centres across Slovenia, providing training, work and care services to adults with IDD. Based on the analysis of the interviews conducted with six professionals, I found out to what extent and in what way easy-to-read is present in the centre, as well as to what extent users are interested in it and how the centre help to promote reading culture. Additionally, I found out how the interviewees understood the notion of inclusion and active citizenship and in which aspects of social life reading could be used. In my master's thesis, I found out that professionals' understanding of the term inclusion is closer to that of integration. According to professionals, the users' interest in reading is linked to their cognitive abilities. They still use children's and adolescent literature for adults with IDD. The centre promotes a reading culture among users and staff use easy-to-read materials in their work. The need for adapted materials is a matter of difference of opinion among the professionals. I have found that the use of light reading is foremost important in the communication with the users itself, and only later in different materials. Professionals recognize the necessity of easy-to-read in various aspects of social functioning of people with IDD, which brings users more independence, decision-making capacity, empowerment, increased information, access to a variety of content, and building of reading skills. Active citizenship is understood as the activity of a person who is an equal member of society, who exercises his/her rights as a citizen, who participates and contributes to society, and who connects and cooperated with others. Finding information, understanding, and using information are principal for active citizenship. In this case, easy-to-read is one way of accessing information. The contribution of the master's thesis is both in the field of sociology as well as in the field of pedagogy. For the field of sociology, the thesis is important, as it opens up new avenues of research for the inclusion and participation of people with IDD in society and, to a lesser extent reveals to what extent reading can be present in our society or what path it takes in the Republic of Slovenia. The following contribution of the thesis coincides with both disciplines, namely bringing an understanding of the importance of easy-to-read. From a sociological point of view, reading can be an important element for the integration of people with IDD into society, and from a pedagogical point of view, it opens up new ways of working with people with IDD. The thesis also creates the possibility of raising the profile of easy-to-read among the general and professional public, both on the sociology and pedagogy sides. From the pedagogical point of view, the thesis paves the way for an increase in the number of different materials in easy-to-read, by providing knowledge on the types and methods of adaptation and encouraging the independent preparation of texts (rules, guidelines). Another important contribution to pedagogy is that the thesis provides a basis for further academic study, where easy-to-read possibly is developed as a supplement to an existing course or as an independent (elective) subject at college.

Keywords:adults with intellectual disabilities, social care centres, easy-to-read, empowerment

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