
Vpliv genotipa konja na lokusu dun na intenzivnost in vzorec obarvanosti dlake
ID Horvat, Tajda (Author), ID Dovč, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zorc, Minja (Comentor)

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V reji ameriških paint in quarter konj igrajo pomembno vlogo genetski testi za dedne bolezni in poznavanje genetskega ozadja za barvo in vzorec obarvanosti dlake. V rejskih programih so zelo priljubljene posvetljene barve, ki so posledica delovanja treh lokusov, dun, champagne in cream. Čeprav je dun fenotip značilen za prosto živeče vrste Equid (zebre), ga je pri udomačenih konjih malo, najdemo ga le pri nekaterih pasmah. Poleg funkcionalnega alela D na dun lokusu, sta prisotna še dva alela, ne-dun 1 (nd1) in ne-dun 2 (nd2). Alel D je dominanten in se fenotipsko izraža z močno temno dorzalno črto, zebrastimi oznakami na nogah, temnejšim predelom okrog gobca (primitivne oznake), temnejšo grivo in repom ter posvetljeno dlako. Alel nd1 ali pseudo dun na fenotipski ravni kaže nekatere značilnosti dun fenotipa, a z manjšo intenziteto, medtem, ko alel nd2 fenotipsko ne izraža primitivnih oznak in posvetljene dlake. Delovanje alelov na dun lokusu smo dokazali s primerjavo fenotipa in genotipa na dun lokusu za 62 konj. Naredili smo tudi ekspresijsko analizo gena TBX3 (dun) na ravni RNA za različne vzorce grive pri konju s kompleksnim fenotipom. Dun posvetlitev lahko najdemo tudi v kombinaciji z drugima dvema posvetljevalnima genoma, champagne in cream. Njihovo skupno izražanje povzroča močnejši učinek na fenotip, kar smo lahko predstavili s pomočjo fotografij. Predvsem priljubljena je kombinacija funkcionalnih alelov na lokusih dun in champagne.

Keywords:konjereja, konji, ameriški paint konj, ameriški quarter konj, genetika, genotip, fenotip, dun, champagne posvetlitev, tobiano
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Horvat]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130416 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76585731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of dun locus genotype on the phenotype of the horse
Breeding programmes of American Paint and Quarter Horses relay strongly on genetic tests for genetic diseases and known genetic background of coat colour and pattern. Diluted colours which are caused by three loci, dun, cream and champagne, are very popular in breeding programmes. Although dun is a common phenotype in wild Equid species (zebras) it is rare in domestic horses and is present in only a few breeds. In addition to the functional D allele, there are two additional alleles, nondun 1 (nd1) and non-dun 2 (nd2). The D allele is dominant and is phenotypically expressed by a strong dark dorsal stripe, zebra markings on the legs, darker area around the muzzle (primitive markings), darker mane and tail and diluted coat colour. The nd1 allele or pseudo dun shows at the phenotypic level some characteristics of the dun phenotype, but with lower intensity, while the nd2 allele does not express primitive markings and diluted coat colour. The effect of alleles at the dun locus was shown by comparing the phenotype and genotype of 62 horses. We also made an expression analysis of the TBX3 (dun) gene at the RNA level for different mane samples of the horse with a complex phenotype. Dun dilution can be also found in combination with two other dilution genes, champagne and cream. When expressed together, they cause a more intense effect on the phenotype, which we presented with the help of photographs. Especially popular is the combination of functional alleles at the dun and champagne locusBreeding programmes of American Paint and Quarter Horses relay strongly on genetic tests for genetic diseases and known genetic background of coat colour and pattern. Diluted colours which are caused by three loci, dun, cream and champagne, are very popular in breeding programmes. Although dun is a common phenotype in wild Equid species (zebras) it is rare in domestic horses and is present in only a few breeds. In addition to the functional D allele, there are two additional alleles, nondun 1 (nd1) and non-dun 2 (nd2). The D allele is dominant and is phenotypically expressed by a strong dark dorsal stripe, zebra markings on the legs, darker area around the muzzle (primitive markings), darker mane and tail and diluted coat colour. The nd1 allele or pseudo dun shows at the phenotypic level some characteristics of the dun phenotype, but with lower intensity, while the nd2 allele does not express primitive markings and diluted coat colour. The effect of alleles at the dun locus was shown by comparing the phenotype and genotype of 62 horses. We also made an expression analysis of the TBX3 (dun) gene at the RNA level for different mane samples of the horse with a complex phenotype. Dun dilution can be also found in combination with two other dilution genes, champagne and cream. When expressed together, they cause a more intense effect on the phenotype, which we presented with the help of photographs. Especially popular is the combination of functional alleles at the dun and champagne locus.

Keywords:horse breeding, horses, American Paint Horse, American Quarter Horse, genetic, genotype, phenotype, dun, champagne dilution, tobiano

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