Osrednji problem raziskave je odprava pomanjkljivosti oziroma iskanje izboljšav v okviru delavnih aktivnosti cestnega disponenta v obravnavanem podjetju. Opisano podjetje je uspešen globalni logistični operater, ki ponuja različne logistične storitve, med drugim tudi organizacijo cestnega tovornega transporta.
Obravnava delovnega mesta cestnega disponenta temelji na preučitvi strokovne in teoretične literature ter izdelavi primerjalne analize (benchmarkinga) s sorodnimi podjetji v panogi špedicije. Na tej podlagi bom doprinesel izboljšave na delovnem mestu cestnega disponenta v obravnavanem podjetju, saj do sedaj ni bila izvedena še nobena primerjalna analiza s tega področja.
S pomočjo benchmarking analize sem ugotovil, da je med primerjanimi delovnimi mesti le nekaj manjših razlik. Skupna točka se je pokazala v sposobnostih uporabljanja informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije z namenom učinkovitejše organizacije cestnega tovornega transporta.
Jezik: | Angleški jezik |
Izvleček: |
The main problem of the research is actually the elimination of shortcomings or the search for improvements in the work activities of a road dispatcher in the company mentioned. This company is a successful global logistics provider that offers various logistics services, including the organization of road freight transport.
The treatment of the road dispatcher workplace is based on the study of professional and theoretical literature and the preparation of comparative analysis (benchmarking) with related companies in the freight forwarding industry. By examining the professional and theoretical starting points, I will contribute to the improvements in the workplace of the road dispatcher in the company mentioned.
I found out that there are only a few minor differences between the jobs compared and a common point, which is reflected in the ability to use information and communication technology in order to organize road freight transport more efficiently.
Ključne besede: | meaning, properties, influences, comparison, organization, logistics, road, freight, road transport, road generating vehicles, information, technology, communication, road disponent, information and communication technology, transport company |