
Popis kačjih pastirjev in dvoživk ob avtocestnem odseku Šentjakob – Blagovica
ID Šabeder, Nik (Author), ID Verovnik, Rudi (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen naloge je bil zbrati podatke o prisotnosti kačjih pastirjev (Odonata) in dvoživk (Amphibia) na območju avtocestnega odseka ob avtocesti A1 Šentilj–Koper med Šentjakobom in Blagovico. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov smo primerjali vrstno pestrost obeh skupin živali med 12 vzorčnimi mesti z neposrednim vplivom avtoceste in 15 brez neposrednega vpliva. Popisali smo 33 vrst kačjih pastirjev in devet vrst dvoživk. Na raziskovanem območju smo potrdili razvoj 16 vrst kačjih pastirjev in osem vrst dvoživk. Ugotovili smo, da imajo vode z neposrednim vplivom avtoceste manjšo vrstno pestrost kačjih pastirjev in dvoživk v primerjavi s tistimi brez vpliva. Na vzorčnih mestih brez vpliva avtoceste je bilo signifikantno več vrst kačjih pastirjev, ki se tam razvijajo. Ugotovili smo tudi pozitivna vpliva velikosti vodnega telesa in obsega obrežne vegetacije na število vrst kačjih pastirjev na vzorčnih mestih, medtem ko vpliva neposredne bližine avtoceste na vrstno pestrost kačjih pastirjev nismo potrdili. Na to, kakšen je pomen vodnih teles z neposrednim vplivom avtoceste v primerjavi z drugimi, ni enoznačnega odgovora. Vsekakor pa lahko opravljajo pomembno povezovalno funkcijo med območji, kjer so življenjski prostori bolj ohranjeni in tistimi ki so degradirani ter jih je za namen ohranjanja biodiverzitete treba ustrezno vzdrževati.

Keywords:kačji pastirji (Odonata), dvoživke (Amphibia), avtoceste, zadrževalniki komunalne odpadne vode
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130248 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76489731  This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Inventory of dragonflies and amphibians by the motorway section Šentjakob–Blagovica
The primary objective of the thesis was to gather data on the presence of dragonflies (Odonata) and amphibians (Amphibia) along the highway section between Šentjakob and Blagovica on the A1 Šentilj-Koper. We compared the species richness of dragonflies and amphibians between the sampling sites with a direct influence of the highway and those without. We registered 33 species of dragonflies and 9 species of amphibians. We found that water bodies with the direct impact of the highway had a lower diversity of dragonflies and amphibians compared to those without direct impact, however the difference was not statistically significant. On the other hand, we recorded significantly more dragonfly species that completed their life cycle on water bodies without direct impact of the highway than on sites impacted by highway. We also found a positive correlation between the size of the water body and extent of riparian vegetation on the number of recorded dragonflies on sampling sites. We could not confirm the impact of closeness to the highway on dragonfly species richness. The role of water bodies with the direct impact of highways is not yet completely known. In any case, they likely perform an important connecting function between better preserved habitats and therefore require proper management.

Keywords:dragonflies (Odonata), amphibians (Amphibia), highways, detention

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