Unior manufactures sophisticated forgings of chassis and forged steering parts. Their main products are connecting rods for petrol and diesel engines of cars. Products are made by the forging process, which is one of the most important transformation processes.
In diploma work, we analyzed connecting rods made of 36MnVS4 and 46MnVS5 steel from three different suppliers. We determined the mechanical properties of the material, microstructure, material flow and flash thickness after forging on new and used tools. Samples were taken on both the heads and stems of the connecting rods. All values of the measured mechanical properties were within the prescribed values. Numerical simulation determined that the material flow during forging on a used tool is more laminar than on a new tool.
As the number of forgings increases, the tool wear increases and the dimension of the flash thickness changes. We found that in practice tool wear does not significantly affect the formation of the span on the forgings.