Due to their numerous biological activities and structural properties pyrazolones and their derivatives are very important potential active ingredients in medicine, agrochemistry and pharmacy. Chiral derivatives must have a specific stereochemistry, so we need to use a specific (organo)catalyst for their synthesis. In the thesis, I first present the history of organocatalysis in the introduction, list the types of organocatalysts and describe the division of organocatalysis. Then I present pyrazolone, its synthesized and natural derivatives and their use. In the third chapter, I describe the syntheses of the most characteristic pyrazolone derivatives. In the fourth chapter, I review the known organocatalyzed conversions of pyrazolone derivatives with different reactants, describe the optimal reaction conditions, organocatalysts, yields and stereoselectivity of conversions. In conclusion, I make a summary of organocatalyzed conversions of pyrazolone derivatives and all listed organocatalysts in the thesis.