
Oblikovanje celostne grafične podobe blagovne znamke
ID Kopinšek, Urška (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je prikazan celoten postopek oblikovanja in izdelave celostne grafične podobe blagovne znamke Cocono, ki bo izdelovala vrtne paviljone, namenjene druženju, sprostitvi in preživljanju prostega časa v varnem in udobnem okolju. Gre za novo blagovno znamko, ki potrebuje celostno grafično podobo, s katero bo lahko primerno promovirala nove izdelke in poskrbela za prepoznavnost na trgu. V teoretičnem delu je opredeljen pojem celostne grafične podobe. Opisana so osnovna načela grafičnega oblikovanja, ki nam pomagajo pri interakciji in povezovanju grafičnih elementov med seboj. Predstavljeni so grafični elementi celostne grafične podobe, kot so logotip, barve in tipografija, vsak od njih pa je tudi podrobneje opisan. V zaključku teoretičnega dela so predstavljena komunikacijska sredstva (vizitka, letak in dopisni list) ter opisane njihove lastnosti. V eksperimentalnem delu so opisani materiali in metode, ki so uporabljeni v diplomskem delu. Izdelana je spletna anketa, katere cilj je pridobiti mnenje anketirancev o primernosti grafičnih rešitev celostne grafične podobe. Analizirane so grafične podobe konkurenčnih podjetij, poleg tega pa je predstavljena tudi blagovna znamka Cocono. Na koncu eksperimentalnega dela sledi izdelava celostne grafične podobe, v sklopu katere so predstavljeni izbrani grafični elementi (barva, tipografija, logotip). Z dobro celostno grafično podobo se blagovna znamka lažje loči od konkurence in pusti vtis na posamezniku. V okviru rezultatov z razpravo so opisani rezultati spletne ankete, prikazan pa je tudi izbor komunikacijskih sredstev (vizitka, letak, dopisni list ipd.), oblikovanih v postopku izdelave diplomske naloge.

Keywords:celostna grafična podoba, grafično oblikovanje, komunikacijska sredstva, logotip, paviljoni
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130100 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Designing visual identity
The diploma thesis aims to present the entire process of designing and creating a visual identity for the Cocono brand, which will manufacture pavilions intended for socialization, relaxation and leisure activities in a safe and comfortable environment. This is a new brand and therefore, it requires visual identity to allow for appropriate promotion of new products and visibility on the market. The theoretical part includes a definition of the concept of visual identity. The basic principles of graphic design have been researched, which has helped us to create interactions and connections between graphic elements. Furthermore, a detailed description of the graphic elements of visual identity, such as logo, colours and typography, has been provided. At the end of the theoretical part, different branding materials (business card, flyer and letterhead) have been presented, including a detailed description of their properties. The experimental part contains a description of the materials and methods used in the thesis. Moreover, an online survey on respondent’s opinion about the suitability of the graphic solutions for visual identity has been carried out. The visual identity of competitive brands has been analysed and the Cocono brand has been presented. At the end of the experimental part, the visual identity design of the Cocono brand has been created, together with a presentation of selected graphic elements (colour, typography, logo). A good visual identity enables the brand to be differed easily from competitive brands and leaves an impression on the individual. As part of the results and discussion, the results of the online survey have been described and a selection of branding materials (business card, flyer, letterheads etc.) produced within the diploma thesis has been presented.

Keywords:branding materials, graphic design, logo, pavilions, visual identity

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