
Kolekcija uniseks oblačil Leftover z izhodiščem v bioplastiki
ID Vidic, Tanja (Avtor), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Glavni namen mojega diplomskega dela je bilo oblikovanje trajnostne kolekcije Leftover z izhodiščem v bioplastiki. V obdobju karantene zaradi epidemije koronavirusa se je po vsem svetu življenje za nekaj časa omejilo na razsežnosti doma. Na začetku je bil močno prisoten in vsesplošno občuten strah po pomanjkanju osnovnih dobrin in potrebščin, nekaterih od teh zelo neurgentnih. Tako sem v strogi izolaciji in omejenosti doma želela potencirati to bizarnost neracionalnega strahu, in sicer z ustvarjanjem kolekcije iz surovin in s pripomočki, ki jih lahko najdem zgolj doma. To sem želela narediti na čim bolj trajnosten način z uporabo ostankov hrane in izdelovanjem biorazgradljivih materialov. Teoretični del diplome se začne s predstavitvijo problematike plastike in raziskovanjem o tem, kakšen vpliv ima ta na okolje, ljudi ter modno in tekstilno industrijo. Predstavljeni so tudi temeljni vidiki trajnostnega oblikovanja, primeri trajnostne modne prakse in razvoj novih materialov. Bolj podrobno je opisan tudi koncept bioplastike; kakšne so vrste, potenciali, slabosti ter področja uporabe v modi in dizajnu. V zadnjem poglavju je predstavljena še problematika odvečne hrane in njena vloga pri razvoju alternativnih, trajnostnih materialov. Praktični del vključuje oblikovanje in izvedbo trajnostne kolekcije iz bioplastike in ostankov hrane, ki jo sestavlja devet silhuet, od katerih sem realizirala dve. Predstavljeno je izoblikovanje ideje in koncept kolekcije. Sledi razvoj in raziskava biomaterialov iz želatine, agarja, ostankov hrane in drugih elementov. Nato so predstavljeni barvna paleta, vzorci, razvoj kolekcije, modne skice in kolaži ter oblikovanje realiziranih dveh modelov. Kolekcija je v zaključku praktičnega dela predstavljena s fotografijami.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:bioplastika, trajnostno oblikovanje, novi materiali, odpadna hrana, plastika
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130097 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:10.09.2021
Število ogledov:1093
Število prenosov:139
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Unisex collection of clothes Leftover based on bioplastics
The main goal of my Bachelor’s thesis was to create Leftover, a sustainable collection based on bioplastics. During quarantine, life all over the world was limited to the dimension of our homes due to Covid19. At the start of the pandemic there was an omnipresent and palpable fear of possible shortages of goods, some of which aren’t really necessary for everyday existence. Being in strict isolation and confinement to my home, I wanted to intensify the absurdity of this irrational fear and capture it by creating a collection only from materials and with tools that we can find at home. I wanted to make it as sustainable as possible by using scraps of food and creating biodegradable materials. The theoretical part of my thesis begins with a presentation of the problem of plastic and its influence on the environment, society as well as the fashion and textile industries. I also introduce fundamental aspect of sustainable designing with examples of sustainable fashion and new materials. Furthermore, I thoroughly describe the concept of bioplastics; their types, potentials, drawbacks, and areas of their usage in fashion and design. In the last chapter, I present the issue of food waste and its role in the development of alternative sustainable materials. The practical part of my thesis includes designing and creating a sustainable collection from bioplastics and food scraps, consisting of nine silhouettes out of which I have fully realised two. Firstly, I present the development of the idea for the collection and its concept. This is followed by research and development of materials from gelatine, agar, scraps of food and other elements. Thereafter I present the colour palette, patterns, development of the collection, fashion sketches and collages as well as the creation of the two models. At the end of the practical part, the collection is presented with photographs.

Ključne besede:bioplastics, sustainable design, new materials, food waste, plastic

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