
1,5-benzodiazepinski antagonisti holecistokininskega-2/gastrinskega receptorja kot vektorske molekule v razvoju radiofarmakov
ID Rotman Primec, Jaka (Author), ID Anderluh, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novak, Doroteja (Comentor)

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Radiofarmaki so zdravila označena z radioaktivnim izotopom in služijo za tarčno terapijo ali diagnostiko. Posebna oblika radiofarmakov so vektorske molekule, ki imajo preko distančnika nase pritrjeno radioaktivno zvrst, in se selektivno vežejo na željene receptorje, ki jih določene celice (npr. določene vrst rakavih celic) prekomerno izražajo. Holecistokininski-2/gastrinski receptor (CCK2R) je ena izmed možnih tarč za uporabo radiofarmakov, saj se izraža v večji gostoti in frekvenci na malignih tkivih v gastrointestinalnem traktu (GIT). Gre za z receptor sklopljen s proteinom G (GPCR), ki po vezavi endogenega liganda, gastrina, sproži kaskado signalnih poti, ki vodijo tudi do proliferacije, migracije in remodelacije celic GIT. Antagonisti CCK2R predstavljajo obetavno področje razvoja novih zdravilnih učinkovin za različne indikacije. Trenutno znane spojine s takšnim delovanjem lahko glede na njihovo kemijsko strukturo razdelimo v več skupin, od katerih smo se v okviru naloge posvetili derivatom 1,5-benzodiazepinov. V okviru magistrske naloge smo pripravili in optimizirali sintezo najbolj obetavne spojine s tega področja, Z-360 ali nastorazepida. Kot osnovo za sintezo smo v literaturi poiskali že znan postopek, ki smo ga nato modificirali. Večinoma je šlo za prilagoditve postopkov izolacije, spremembe reakcijskih pogojev, zamenjavo reagentov in topil, s katerimi smo izvajali reakcije. Opisujemo posamezne stopnje sinteznega postopka, kar bo lahko v pomoč pri sintezi spojin podobnih Z-360. Predlagamo tudi strukturne modifikacije omenjene spojine z namenom izboljšanja njenih fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti in afinitete vezave.

Keywords:CCK2R, holecistokinin, gastrin, Z-360, 1, 5-benzodiazepini
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130078 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2021
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Title:1,5-benzodiazepine cholecystokinin-2/gastrin receptor antagonists as vector moieties in the development of radiopharmaceuticals
Radiopharmaceuticals are medicines used specifically for targeted therapy and diagnostics. They are labelled with radioactive isotopes, also known as radionuclides. As radionuclides on their own cannot selectively target desired tissues, they require a small vector molecule, connected to the radionuclide by a spacer, to act as the targeting moiety of the drug. These drugs are being developed because of their capability to selectively bind to receptors that are overexpressed in cancer tissue and therefore their ability to deliver radionuclides at desired sites. The cholecystokinin-2/gastrin receptor (CCK2R) is one of many suitable targets for the use and development of radiopharmaceuticals as it is present in both greater density and frequency in cancerous tissue of the gut. The receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) which activates several signaling pathways as it’s endogenous ligand, gastrin, binds to it. This causes gut cell proliferation, migration, and remodeling. CCK2R antagonists represent a new and exciting group of potential drug candidates, which can be roughly divided into groups based on their chemical structure. This thesis focuses primarily on derivatives of 1,5-benzodiazepines. During the course of this masters’ thesis, we prepared and optimized the synthesis of the most promising compound out of this group of drugs, Z-360 or nastorazepide. The basis for the synthesis was an already published procedure that we modified to fit our needs. We adapted the isolation procedures, reaction parameters, reagents, and solvents used to carry out the reactions. We describe in detail each stage of the entire preparation procedure. This can be used as a guideline for the synthesis of Z-360 derivatives. In the end we also recommend some modifications to the structure of nastorazepide in order to improve the compounds’ physio-chemical properties and binding affinity.

Keywords:CCK2R, cholecystokinin, gastrin, Z-360, 1, 5-benzodiazepines

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