
Prilagoditev relejske skupine medpostajne odvisnosti na sistem štetja osi v železniškem prometu : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
ID Gazvoda, Žan (Author), ID Logar, Vito (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z avtomatizacijo železniškega prometa želimo zmanjšati vpliv človeškega dejavnika pri nadzoru in vodenju sistemov ter s tem povečati varnost. Ob opravljanju ponavljajočega se dela, se pozornost človeka manjša, s čimer se povečuje verjetnost napak, kar lahko privede do nesreč. S signalnovarnostnimi (SV) napravami lahko varno in zanesljivo kontroliramo železniški promet. V diplomskem delu je opisan postopek združitve dveh tipov SV naprav, in sicer elektrorelejske in elektronske SV naprave, ki združujejo napravo za medpostajno odvisnost. S slednjo ustno dogovarjanje za vodenje prometa med postajama ni več potrebno. Naprava s pomočjo števcev osi kontrolira prostost oz. zasedenost medpostajnega odseka in logične funkcije relejev, s čimer se varuje vlak pred čelnim ogrožanjem ter pred sledenjem vlaka zaradi dohitevanja. V diplomskem delu so uvodoma predstavljeni delovanje in funkcije več različnih tipov SV naprav. Predstavljene so tudi progovne naprave za zavarovanje medpostajnega odseka. V nadaljevanju je opisana predelava relejne skupine medpostajne odvisnosti, ki je prilagojena za števce osi, izdelava programskega dela za števce osi in diagnostika. Za kontrolo odsekov je uporabljen sistem števcev osi proizvajalca Frauscher Sensortechnik. Za potrebe testiranja je bilo narejeno namensko testno stojalo. Rezultat naloge je funkcionalna naprava, ki zagotavlja varno in zanesljivo delovanje naprave za medpostajno odvisnost.

Keywords:medpostajna odvisnost, števec osi, signalnovarnostne naprave, hibridne signalnovarnostne naprave
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Gazvoda]
Number of pages:13, [47] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129967 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76476675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Modification of the relay group interlocking to axle counting in railway transport
The goal of automating the railway transport is to decrease the influence of human factor in the management system and thus increase its safety. During repetitive work, the worker's attention and awareness decrease, leading to possible mistakes, which can turn into serious accidents. With interlocking, we can safely and reliably control railway traffic. The diploma thesis describes the process of combining two types of interlocking, i.e., relay and electronic, that comprise a device for interstation dependency. With the latter, verbal arrangements for traffic management between the stations are no longer needed. With the help of an axle counter system, the device controls vacancy of the block section and the logical functions of the relays, which protects the train from frontal threats and prevents it from overtaking the other train. In this diploma thesis, the operation and functions of several different types of interlocking are presented, as well as interstation dependency for securing the block sections between stations. The work includes a description of the processing of the relay group of the interstation dependency, which is adapted for axle counters, the production of software for axle counters and diagnostics. Axle counter system from manufacturer Frauscher Sensortechnik was used to control the sections. A dedicated test stand was designed for testing purposes. The final result of this thesis is a functional device that ensures safe and reliable operation of the device interstation dependency

Keywords:Interstation dependency, Axle counters, Interlocking, Hybrid reley-electronic interlockig

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