A wireless sensor network testbed is a tool for performing a variety of experiments, which are intended to test new devices, to analyze wireless protocols, and to develop software. The LOG-a-TEC testbed is an example of such an instrument. It offers the use of 77 nodes located in the park and offices of the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. It enables automatic deployment of experiments and provides a reliable way to store the measurements. The experiments are performed automatically, without a user interaction. Consequently, the user cannot influence the course of the experimental application, which in practice turned out to be a drawback. This master's thesis presents an experiment monitoring and control system, which allows the user to view the status of all nodes in real time. It also shows the development of a web user interface intended to observe the execution of the experiment. With the message exchange mechanism in the distributed system, the user can send commands and receive device responses. The user can start, stop or restart the experiment, and reset or reprogram the devices in the testbed. Based on the two experiments the operation of the presented system is evaluated. The system proved to be a useful tool that facilitates research work for users. With the expansion of its functionality, the testbed gained in usability without a change of the basic concept. It retained the automatic experiment deployment and a way of receiving experiment results. The testbed was added the ability to monitor the status of devices during the course of experiments.