
Rejništvo in Mojzesova življenjska zgodba : magistrsko delo
ID Berglez, David (Author), ID Gerjolj, Stanko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je navedena zgodba Mojzesa in njegova pot, ki je bila prehojena skozi sistem rejništva in razvoj otroka, ter problemi, ki ob tem nastanejo, s katerimi se soočajo tudi starši, ki imajo otroke v rejništvu, in tudi faraonova hči, ki je vzgajala Mojzesa na dvoru. Povzet je zakon o rejniški dejavnosti in njegova problematika kot tudi sistemske težave, s katerimi se spopadajo ljudje, ki imajo rejništvo. V prvem delu je opisana Mojzesova zgodba in njegova izkušnja rejništva. Izkušnjo rejništva je doživel v svoji lastni družini, saj ga je naprej vzgajala faraonova hči na egipčanskem dvoru. Mojzesovi zgodbi je v nekaterih pogledih podobna tudi Jožefova zgodba, saj je zaradi sovraštva med brati moral oditi od lastne družine. V drugem delu je opisan razvoj otroka, tako psihični kot fizični, od samega rojstva do obdobja pubertete, kako se otrok razvija, deluje, razmišlja, kako ga sprejemajo starši in okolica, kako deluje v socialnem okolju. V tretjem delu je opisan zakon o rejniški dejavnosti in njegove nejasnosti, neučinkovitost ter vzgoja v rejništvu. Zakon o izvajanju rejniške dejavnosti je eden izmed nejasnih in malomarnih napisanih zakonov, ki rejniško družino opredeljuje kot vsako drugo družino in o sami vzgoji, kar je temelj te dejavnosti, ne pove ničesar.

Keywords:Mojzes, rejništvo, starši, otrok, zakon
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Berglez]
Number of pages:VI, 81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129920 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:80291843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Foster care and the life story of Moses
The master thesis states the story of Moses and his journey through the system of foster care and child development, as well as the problems that arise, which are also faced by parents who have children in foster care, as well as Pharaoh's daughter, who has raised Moses at court. The law on foster care and its problems are summarized and the systemic problems faced by people who have foster care. The first part describes the story of Moses and his experience of foster care. He experienced foster care in his own family as Pharaoh’s daughter further raised him at an Egyptian court. The story of Joseph is similar to Moses' story in some respects, as he had to leave his own family because of hatred among his brothers. The second part describes the development of the child both mentally and physically from birth to puberty. How the child develops, works, thinks, how his parents and surroundings accept him. How it works in a social environment. The third part describes the law on foster care and its ambiguities, inefficiency, and education in foster care. The Foster Care Act is one of the vague and negligent written laws that defines a foster family as any other family and says nothing about upbringing itself, which is the foundation of this activity.

Keywords:Moses, foster care, parents, child, law

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