
Odstranjevanje mikropolutantov iz odpadne vode z elektrokoagulacijo
ID Belej, Jure (Author), ID Žgajnar Gotvajn, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem času je zaradi nenehnega naraščanja populacije potreba po vodi vedno večja, s tem pa se povečuje tudi njena onesnaženost. Voda je omejen vir, narava pa zmore le omejeno samočiščenje. Zaradi tega so znanstveniki razvili različne metode, s pomočjo katerih iz odpadnih vod pred njihovim izpustom v okolje izločijo nevarne komponente, kot so organske snovi, težke kovine, mikropolutanti (organske kemikalije, ostanki zdravil, farmacevtskih učinkovin ...), nutrienti (nitrati, fosfati) ter suspendirane snovi. Ena od njih je čiščenje vode z uporabo elektrokoagulacije. Metoda velja za novejšo, a zaenkrat ostaja še v senci drugih, že bolj uveljavljenih metod. Namen naloge je proučiti možnost uporabe procesa elektrokoagulacije za čiščenje odpadne vode ter ugotoviti optimalne pogoje za izvedbo procesa. Osredotočil se bom na predstavitev celotnega procesa elektrokoagulacije, njegovih prednosti in slabosti pred ostalimi procesi ter na problematiko mikropolutantov in njihovega odstranjevanja iz odpadnih vod.

Keywords:Elektrokoagulacija, mikropolutanti, odpadna voda
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129918 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:80155139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Removal of micropollutants from wastewater by electrocoagulation
Nowdays the constant growth of the population increases the demand for water which also makes the problem of pollution even bigger. We must know that the water sources on Earth are limited and that the environment can only handle limited extent of self-purification. Because of that, the scientist have developed several methods to remove the harmfull substances such as heavy metals, micropolutants, suspended particles, nutrients from wastewater. One of the methods is named electroctrocoagulation. It is known to be one of the recent methods on the market, and because of that it is oveshadowed by other already licensed methods. The main purpose of my diploma thesis is to find out the cumulative treatment effect of the process and find out the optimal conditions for best results. The research will focus on literature review to compare: functionality of the method, main parts of the system, the negative and positive aspects of the process and how it compares to others, the problem of pollution in wastewater. I am going to focus on the electrocoagulation of micropollutants as well as some other pollutants.

Keywords:Electrocoagulation, micropollutants, wastewater

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