In the Bachelor thesis vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin is presented. Its two main structures are ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol. Two hydroxylations have to take place in the organism to enable vitamin D to become biologically active and affect people. In addition to its most known effect in calcium metabolism and in development of the immune system, there are many other roles of vitamin D. Consequences of insufficient or excessive intake are different. As several serious problems can occur, it is important to know the needs and recommended intake. Because vitamin D plays a role in acute respiratory infections, a lot has been said about its importance during the pandemic of COVID-19. Vitamin D is special among the vitamins because the body can produce it to some extent in the skin under the influence of sunlight. In addition to the endogenous synthesis, which is known as the main source of vitamin D, we also get it from food. It is present mainly in animal- based foods, some of it also in plant-based. The supply of vitamin D is often poor due to the current lifestyle, especially in winter. In such cases, it is advised to add vitamin D with nutritional supplements or medicines that are found on the market in various formulations. These differ in frequency of use, efficiency and stability.