This diploma thesis addresses the conception and development of a real-time indoor positioning and tracking system for locating presenters while providing its users with reliability, accuracy, and above all, a simple user experience. The thermal tracking system operates on a Raspberry Pi microcomputer and an MLX90640 thermal camera system, controlled by Python software and PTZ camera APIs. The paper describes existing competitive products on the market, including their characteristics, uses, benefits, and limitations. Many similar solutions from the DIY community were also investigated and considered for hardware development and end platform selection. Subsequently, a test setup was constructed in the LMMFE laboratory to assess the system capabilities, demonstrating the practical applicability and reliability of the system. Throughout the system development process, optimizations were performed to cater to the main education applications, such as presenter tracking during movement and writing on the board. System assessment also brought forth ideas for further work that could be added to the system in the future.