
Optimizacija procesa tlačnega litja z ONI temperirnikom
ID Jamnik, Luka (Author), ID Šturm, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Eden izmed najpomembnejših elementov tlačnega orodja je hladilno-grelni sistem. Ta nam zagotavlja optimalno delovno temperaturo čez celotni proces tlačnega litja in s tem ustrezno kakovost ulitkov. Konstantno temperiranje tlačnega orodja pa prinese veliko porabo električne energije, kar pušča velik okoljevarstveni odtis in višanje nepotrebnih stroškov procesa. Te posledice so neizbežne, vendar jih podjetja na različne načine poskušajo zmanjšati na najmanjšo možno mero. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen preizkus nove temperirne naprave na tlačnem orodju. Primerjali smo jo z obstoječim temperiranim sistemom. Sam preizkus je potekal v treh delih. V prvem delu smo se poizkušali približati temperaturam v tlačnem orodju, ki smo jih imeli z svojim predhodnim sistemom. V drugem delu smo zmanjšali čas strjevanja taline v tlačnem orodju in postavili referenčno krivuljo, s katero temperirnik prilagaja hlajenje ali gretje tlačnega orodja glede na potrebe. S končno optimizacijo smo ugotavljali zmožnosti temperirnega sistema in dosegli 16% znižanje posameznega časa cikla, večjo produktivnost in manjše stroške energentov.

Keywords:tlačno litje, Al zlitina, preizkus pretokov, hladilno-grelni sistem, ONI temperirnik, ulitki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Jamnik]
Number of pages:XXI, 71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129797 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77042947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of die casting using ONI unit for temeprature control
One of the most important elements of a die casting tool is the cooling and heating system. It provides us with the optimal operating temperature throughout the entire casting process and the appropriate quality of the castings. Constant tempering of die casting tools, on the other hand, results in high power consumption, which leaves a large environmental footprint and increases unnecessary process costs. These consequences are inevitable, but companies try to minimize them in various ways. The thesis presents a test of a new tempering device on a die casting tool. We compared it with the existing tempered system. The test itself took place in three parts. In the first part, we tried to approach the temperatures in the tool that we had with our previous system. In the second part, we reduced the solidification time of the alloy in the tool and set a reference curve by which the tempering machine adjusts the cooling or heating of the tool according to needs. With the final optimization, we determined the capabilities of the tempering system and achieved a 16% reduction in individual cycle time, higher productivity and lower energy costs.

Keywords:die casting, Al alloy, fluid test, cooling-heating system, ONI unit for temperature control, castings

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