
Zdravstvena vzgoja pacienta z bipolarno motnjo s ciljem ohranitve ter izboljšanja duševnega zdravja : diplomsko delo
ID Alibašić, Almedina (Author), ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kvas, Andreja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Bipolarna motnja razpoloženja je ena najbolj razširjenih duševnih motenj. Diagnoza, potek bolezni in zdravljenje so zelo kompleksni. Poudarek je na pravilnem prepoznavanju simptomov manije in depresije. Izvajalci zdravstvene nege s pomočjo zdravstvene vzgoje pacienta in njegovo družino podučijo o bolezni ter o spremembah življenjskega sloga v zvezi z le-to. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti bipolarno motnjo in različne oblike zdravljenja, zdravstvene nege, pomen zdravstvene vzgoje in vlogo izvajalcev zdravstvene nege pri zdravljenju, spoprijemanju pacienta in njegovih bližnjih z diagnozo. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domače in tuje literature. Literaturo smo iskali na naslednjih podatkovnih bazah: PubMed in CINAHL ter v digitalnih knjižnicah DiKUL in Wiley Online Library z naslednjimi ključnimi besedami: nursing AND bipolar disorder, health education AND bipolar disorder, healthcare AND bipolar disorder, healthcare workers AND mental health. V pregled smo vključili 10 let staro literaturo. Rezultati: Bipolarna motnja je kompleksna duševna motnja, ki vpliva na življenje pacienta in njegovih bližnjih. Izvajalci zdravstvene nege z naprednimi znanji s področja duševnega zdravja lahko te posledice ublažijo in izboljšajo kakovost življenja pacienta. Metode zdravstvene vzgoje so se pokazale kot uspešne pri zdravljenju bipolarne motnje. Razprava in zaključek: Številne raziskave potrjujejo pomen vloge izvajalcev zdravstvene nege pri obravnavi pacienta z bipolarno motnjo, še posebej na področju zdravstveno-vzgojnega dela. Implementacija specializacije za izvajalce zdravstvene nege bi prispevala k boljšim izidom zdravljenja. Za uspešno zdravljenje je potrebna souporaba različnih metod zdravljenja. Potrebne so tudi nadaljnje raziskave na večjih populacijah in raziskave na področju Slovenije.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, duševna motnja, medicinska sestra, manija, depresija, kakovost življenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Alibašić]
Number of pages:34 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129787 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75594243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Mental health improvement of a patient with bipolar disorder through health education : diploma work
Introduction: Bipolar mood disorder is one of the most common mood disorders. The diagnosis, course and treatment of the disorder are very complex. Emphasis is on correctly recognising the symptoms of mania and depression. With the help of health education, a nurse will teach the patient and his family about the disorder and the lifestyle changes that come with it. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to present bipolar disorder and different kinds of treatment, nursing care, to present the importance of health education and the role of nursing in the treatment process, to show the way patients and their close ones deal with the diagnosis. Methods: We used the descriptive method for reviewing domestic and foreign literature. We used these databases to search for literature: PubMed and CINAHL, as well as digital libraries DiKUL and Wiley Online Library with the following keywords: nursing AND bipolar disorder, health education AND bipolar disorder, healthcare AND bipolar disorder, healthcare workers AND mental health. We limited the literature to no older than 10 years. Results: Bipolar disorder is a complex mental disorder, which affects the lives of patients and their close ones. Nurses who have additional education in mental health can decrease those effects significantly and improve the quality of life of patients. Health education methods have shown to be effective in treating bipolar disorder. Discussion and conclusion: Numerous studies have shown the importance of the role of nursing in treating patients with bipolar disorder, especially when using health education. Implementing specialisation programmes for nurses would contribute to better outcomes. The use of different treatment methods is necessary for succeful treatment. Further studies with larger populations are necessary, as are studies in Slovenia.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, mental disorder, registered nurse, mania, depression, quality of life

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