
Metode za določanje sečnine
ID Stopar, Tjaša (Author), ID Gros, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Metode za določanje sečnine v človeških vzorcih lahko razdelimo v tri različne skupine – biosenzorji, metode s spektrometrično detekcijo in pretočne metode. Večina metod za določanje sečnine uporablja encim ureazo, ki katalizira hidrolizo sečnine do amonijaka in ogljikovega dioksida. Ta encim predstavlja prvo stopnjo določitve sečnine v vzorcih, saj večina metod temelji na določanju enega ali obeh produktov reakcije hidrolize sečnine ali pa temelji na spremembi pH, do katere pride zaradi te iste reakcije. Pomembni parametri pri izbiri metode za določanje sečnine so: kvadrat korelacijskega koeficienta (R2), širina linearnega območja, meja zaznave, obstojnost sistema, čas trajanja analize in selektivnost. Po primerjavi opisanih metod med seboj sem prišla do zaključka, da med obetavnejše metode za določitev sečnine sodijo: optični biosenzor s tankim slojem polianilina, elektrokemijska detekcija z uporabo kopolimerov iz zlatih nanodelcev, spektrometrična detekcija s srebrovimi nanodelci in avtomatizirana spektrometrična detekcija s plinsko segmentiranim analizatorjem.

Keywords:sečnina, ureaza, reakcija hidrolize sečnine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129720 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79200515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Methods for determination of urea
Methods for determination of urea in human samples can be devided into three diferent groups – biosensors, methods with spectrometrical detection and flow-based methods. Most of them use enzyme urease, which catalyzes reaction of hydrolysis of urea. Products of this reaction are ammonia and carbon dioxide. Even though hydrolysis is the first step for determination of urea, most methods for determination of urea use one or both products of catalyzed reaction of hydrolysis of urea or they detect change of pH in a sample solution. The important parameters in selection of a method for determination of urea are: coefficient of determination (R2), linear range of concentration, limit of detection, stability, duration of analysis and selectivity. After a comparison between the described methods, the more promising ones for determination of urea are: optical biosensors based on polyaniline thin films, electrochemical determination of urea using a gold nanoparticle-copolymer, a paper-based device for the colorimetric determination of urea using silver nanoparticles and automated spectrometric determination of urea by gas-segmented continous flow analysis.

Keywords:urea, urease, reaction of hydrolysis of urea

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