
Določitev fitoestrogenov v pivu s HPLC
ID Šimenko Lalič, Tilen (Author), ID Prosen, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Fitoestrogeni so skupina rastlinskih polifenolov, ki so strukturno in funkcionalno primerljivi s sesalskim hormonom estrogenom. Zaradi zmožnosti vezave na estrogenske receptorje imajo velik potencial za zdravljenje številnih bolezni, kot so rakava obolenja dojk in prostate, osteoporoza, ateroskleroza ter nevrodegenerativne in krvožilne bolezni. Hkrati lajšajo menopavzne simptome in predstavljajo primerno alternativo estrogenski hormonski terapiji. Posledično je ugotavljanje njihove prisotnosti in količine v različnih prehrambenih izdelkih vse bolj razširjeno. Prav temu je bila namenjena tudi naša raziskava, kjer smo vsebnost fitoestrogenov določevali v različnih vrstah piv. S pomočjo HPLC metode smo določili koncentracije ksantohumola, izoksantohumola in 8-prenilnaringenina, ki so glavni predstavniki rastlinskih spojin z estrogensko aktivnostjo v hmelju in pivu. V analizo so bile vključene različne tehnike čiščenja vzorcev, ki so pripomogle k izboljšanju rezultatov. Poleg številnih filtracij je osrednjo tehniko predstavljala ekstrakcija na trdno fazo (SPE), s katero smo želene analite dodatno izolirali in skoncentrirali. Slednja je potekala na C8 reverzno-fazni SPE koloni, kjer je elucijsko topilo predstavljal acetonitril. Eluente smo nato analizirali s HPLC-DAD inštrumentom ter na podlagi dobljenih kromatogramov z metodo standardnega dodatka izračunali koncentracije iskanih spojin. Koncentracije ksantohumola so nihale med 0,14 in 2,0 mg/L, izoksantohumola med 0,47 in 0,98 mg/L, 8-prenilnaringenina pa od 0 (ali pod mejo zaznave) do 0,0411 mg/L.

Keywords:fitoestrogeni, pivo, ekstakcija na trdno fazo, HPLC-DAD
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129711 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79277315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2021
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Title:Determination of phytoestrogens in beer with HPLC
Phytoestrogens are a group of plant polyphenols, which are structurally and functionally comparable to mammalian hormone estrogen. Due to their ability to bind to estrogen receptors, they have great potential for the treatment of many diseases, such as breast and prostate cancers, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative and vascular diseases. At the same time, they alleviate menopausal symptoms and represent a suitable alternative to estrogen hormone therapy. As a result, the determination of their presence and quantity in various food products is becoming more widespread. This is also the purpose of our research, where we determined the content of phytoestrogens in different types of beer. The concentrations of xanthohumol, isoxanthohumol and 8-prenylnaringenin, which are the main representatives of plant compounds with estrogenic activity in hops and beer, were determined by HPLC method. Various sample clean-up techniques were included in the analysis to help improve the results. In addition to numerous filtrations, the main technique was solid-phase extraction (SPE), with which the desired analytes were further isolated and concentrated. The latter was performed on a C8 reverse-phase SPE column, where the elution solvent was acetonitrile. The eluents were then analyzed on an HPLC-DAD instrument and the concentrations of the analytes were calculated from the chromatograms obtained using the standard addition method. Concentrations of xanthohumol ranged between 0.14 and 2.0 mg/L, isoxanthohumol between 0.47 and 0.98 mg/L, and 8-prenylnaringenin from 0 (or below the detection limit) up to 0.0411 mg/L.

Keywords:phytoestrogens, beer, solid-phase extraction, HPLC-DAD

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