
Varovanje okolja v Gambiji skozi fotografski objektiv
ID Škorjanc, Kaja (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem času se pojavlja vse več podnebnih sprememb, naravnih katastrof, globalnega segrevanja, izumiranje pomembnih živalskih vrst, težave z odpadki ... Večina nas je že močno zaskrbljenih zaradi teh posledic, vendar še premalo ljudi to dojema kot veliko težavo, ki bo imela velike posledice na prihodnost. Varstvo okolja ali okoljevarstvo je veja varstva, ki postavlja v ospredje problematiko onesnaževanja in degradacijo okolja, v katerem biva človek. Pri varstvu okolja gre predvsem za reševanje okoljskih bremen ter sanacijo degradiranih območij. V to področje spadajo onesnažen zrak, voda in tla. Naravovarstvo si prizadeva za ohranjanje biotske pestrosti in varstvo naravnih vrednot. Da bi pripomogli k varstvu narave smo odšli na prostovoljno delo v Gambijo, kjer smo izvajali razna dela, povezana z naravo in živalmi. Fotografirali smo izvajanje del, okoliško naravo, živali in posnetke vključili v fotografsko serijo. Teoretičen del temelji na povezavi med fotografijo in okoljem, tj. na kakšen način lahko fotografija pozitivno in negativno vpliva na naravo in živali v njej. Opisani so razni napotki za čim manjšo bremenitev okolja, v katerem fotografiramo, kaj je pomembno pripraviti pred projektom, cilj, ki ga želimo doseči s fotografijo, kakšno zgodbo želimo prikazati gledalcem in na kakšen način bomo delili projekt med ljudmi. Kako lahko fotografija pomaga pri varstvu okolja, je razvidno iz nekaj praktičnih primerov ki sem jih dodala k teoretičnemu delu poglavja. Eksperimentalni del zajema priprave na odpravo, sam potek projekta, fotografiranje in potrebno opremo, okoliščine, v katerih so nastale fotografije, metode dela, postprodukcijo in hipoteze. Rezultat eksperimentalnega dela je fotografska serija okoljevarstva v Gambiji. Sestavljena je iz šestih serij različnih naravovarstvenih problemov in okolice v Gambiji, skupno iz 30 fotografij z opisom.

Keywords:Fotografija, fotografska serija, foto zgodba, Gambija, okoljevarstvo.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129695 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Nature conservancy of Gambia through the camera lens
Nowadays there is climate change, natural disasters, global warming, extinction of important animal species, waste problems ... Most of us are already very concerned about these consequences, but few people perceive it as a big problem that will have major consequences for the future. Environmental protection is a branch of protection that puts the issue of pollution and the degradation of the environment in which man lives at the forefront. Environmental protection is mainly about resolving environmental burdens and rehabilitating degraded areas. This includes polluted air, water and soil. Nature conservation strives to preserve biodiversity and protect natural values. To help protect nature, we went to volunteer in Gambia, where we did various work related to nature and animals. We photographed the execution of the works, the surrounding nature, animals and included the shots in the photo series. The theoretical part is based on the connection between photography and the environment - in what way can photography positively and negatively affect nature and the animals in it. Various instructions are described to minimize the burden on the environment in which we photograph, what is important to prepare before the project, the goal we want to achieve with photography, what story we want to show viewers and how we will share the project among people. How photography can help protect the environment is evident from a few examples of practice that I have added to the theoretical part of the chapter. The experimental part includes preparations for the expedition, the course of the project, photography and the necessary equipment, the circumstances in which the photographs were taken, methods of work, post-production and hypotheses. The result of the experimental part of the thesis is the photographic series Environmental Protection in The Gambia. It consists of six series of different nature conservation problems and surroundings in The Gambia, a total of 30 photographs with a description.

Keywords:Photography, photographic series, photographic story, Gambia, environmental protection.

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