
Vpliv izbranih dejavnikov na infiltracijo vode v gozdnatih kraških vodonosnikih
ID Zakrajšek, Polona (Author), ID Repe, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vilhar, Urša (Comentor)

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Vrsta in razporeditev padavin, gozdna vegetacija ter prsti pomembno vplivajo na proces infiltracije vode in napajanje kraškega vodonosnika. Spremembe v starostni, vrstni in prostorski strukturi gozdov imajo raznolike vplive na gozdno hidrologijo. Dokazano je, da podnebne spremembe že vplivajo na spremenjene padavinske režime in evapotranspiracijo, v prihodnosti so napovedane pogostejše vremenske ujme in hidrološki ekstremi. Kraška nezasičena cona je kompleksen sistem, kjer potekajo dinamični hidrološki procesi s posebnimi značilnostmi pretakanja vode v krasu. V nalogi smo analizirali podatke meritev v gozdnih sestojih različnih stadijev razvoja in v pod njim ležečem Postojnsko-planinskem jamskem sistemu. Opravili smo terenske meritve indeksa listne površine, s pomočjo katerega smo želeli ugotoviti vpliv vegetacijskega obdobja na prestrezanje padavin. Z meritvami sestojnih padavin in deleža vode v prsteh ter meritev pretoka, temperature in električne prevodnosti vode v jamah smo ugotovili različne časovne zamike infiltracije vode izbranih padavinskih dogodkov ter jih prikazali na grafih.

Keywords:infiltracija vode, gozdna hidrologija, sestojne padavine, indeks listne površine, kras, kraška nezasičena cona, Postojna
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129615 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of selected factors to the water infiltration in forested karstic aquifers
The type and temporal variability of precipitation, the forest vegetation and soils affect the process of water infiltration into the karst aquifer. Changes in age, the variety and spatial structure of forests have diverse effects on forest hydrology. It is proven that climate change has impacts on precipitation regimes and evapotranspiration, future forecasts predict more frequent weather and hydrological extremes. Karst critical zone is a complex system of dynamic hydrological processes and unique characteristics of water percolation. We have analysed the data measurements of throughfall precipitation in the forest stands of different age classes and the underlaying Postojna-Planina cave system. We have measured the leaf area index to determine the effect of a vegetative period on the interception of precipitation. The throughfall measurements, measurements of soil water content and water percolation, temperature and electrical conductivity of water showed differing time lags of the water infiltration of chosen precipitation events, depicted on charts.

Keywords:water infiltration, forest hydrology, throughfall and stemflow precipitation, leaf area index, karst, karst critical zone, Postojna

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