In my graduation thesis, I will present remote work during the Covid-19 epidemic. In the theoretical part, I will present general explanations of work from home and various foreign definitions, advantages and disadvantages of remote work and the coordination of work from home and family life. I focused mainly on arranging work from home in Slovenia and on the contribution of employer support.
In the research, I was mainly interested in the reasons of remote work, how employees manage to differentiate between work and free time, where they see advantages and disadvantages, what could be improved and where they felt the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on their work process.
I found that the decision to work from home was mainly influenced by the employers instructions, which took measures to prevent the spread of the virus and that they were "forced" to do so due to the closure of schools and kindergartens. They found several advantages when working remotely, but there were more disadvantages. To successfully separate work and free time, they had to organize time better then before the epidemic. I also found that it was easier fort hem to complete tasks, if they had the support of co-workers.