
Smiselnost socialističnega oblikovanja v 21. stoletju
ID Volf, Nino (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na socialistično grafično oblikovanje. Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti razvoj omenjenega oblikovalskega stila in vizualnih smernic in simbolov le-tega ter preučeno primerno implementirati v serijo plakatov. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in eksperimentalnega dela. Teoretični del se najprej ukvarja s performativnostjo socialističnega grafičnega oblikovanja, kako propagandni plakati in ostali tiskani mediji vplivajo na družbo, kakšni interesi stojijo v ozadju in kakšna je sporočilnost le-teh. Temu sledi kratek zgodovinski pregled razvoja socialističnega oblikovanja. V nadaljevanju se teoretični del osredotoča na razvoj in analizo socialističnih propagandnih plakatov v posameznih socialističnih državnih tvorbah, in sicer: v Sovjetski zvezi, na Kubi, v Socialistični republiki Vietnam ter v Jugoslaviji. V zadnjem poglavju so predstavljene in analizirane smernice in simboli socialističnega oblikovanja, ki so skupne omenjenim socialističnim državam. Teoretičnem delu sledi eksperimentalni oz. empirični del diplomskega dela, katerega bistvo je oblikovanje serije plakatov na temo študentskih problematik. Smernice in simboli iz teoretičnega dela so uporabljeni pri oblikovalskem procesu plakatov primerno sodobnemu času. Na začetku eksperimentalnega dela je opisana tematika serije plakatov in katerih problematik se plakati dotaknejo. Temu sledi opis navdiha za serijo plakatov ter analiza po dveh različic plakata na obravnavano temo oziroma problematiko. Eksperimentalni del se zaključi z analizo rezultatov ankete ter ugotavljanjem primernosti posamezne različice plakata.

Keywords:propagandni plakat, serija plakatov, socialistično oblikovanje, socializem, študentske problematike
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129543 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The meaning of socialist design in the 21st century
This diploma thesis focuses on socialist graphic design. The core purpose of the diploma thesis is to study the development of the mentioned design style and its visual guidelines and symbols, to then implement them appropriately in a series of posters. The diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and experimental part. The theoretical part first deals with the performativity of socialist graphic design itself, how propaganda posters and other print media affect society, what interests stand behind them and what their message is. This is followed by a brief historical overview of the development of socialist design. In the following stage, the theoretical part focuses on the development and analysis of socialist propaganda posters in individual socialist states, namely: in the Soviet Union, Cuba, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Yugoslavia. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, the guidelines and symbols of socialist design, which are common to the mentioned socialist states, are presented and analysed. The theoretical part is followed by the experimental part of the diploma thesis, the essence of which is to design a series of posters for the topic of issues that students are dealing with. Guidelines and symbols from the theoretical part are used in the design process of posters appropriate to modern times. At the beginning of the experimental work, the topic of the poster series is described, and which issues do the posters take in consideration. This is followed by a description of the inspiration for a poster series and an analysis of the two versions for each poster for the chosen topic or issue. Last but not least, the experimental part deals with the analysis of the survey results and determining the suitability of each version of the poster.

Keywords:poster series, propaganda poster, socialism, socialist design, student issues

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