
Objektivna kredibilnost informacijske socialne opore v spletnih zdravstvenih skupnostih : magistrsko delo
ID Hlede, Rok (Author), ID Petrič, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje kredibilnost informacij na temo bolezni raka v spletni zdravstveni skupnosti Med.Over.Net. Osredotoča se na kredibilnost informacijske socialne opore, ki jo izmenjujejo uporabniki spletnih zdravstvenih skupnostih. Kredibilnost informacijsko socialne opore sestavlja več dimenzij, in sicer natančnost, celovitost, berljivost/razumljivost in zaupanje. Na podlagi pregleda literature o kredibilnosti spletnih (zdravstvenih) informacij in informacijske socialne opore ter kvantitativne analize vsebine na osnovi kodirne sheme je cilj magistrske naloge usmerjen v ugotavljanje, kakšna je objektivna kredibilnost informacijsko socialne opore v spletni zdravstveni skupnosti, ali obstajajo razlike med dimenzijami socialne informacijske opore in ali obstajajo razlike med kredibilnostjo informacijske socialne opore glede na vrsto sporočila. Empirični del naloge sloni na sekundarnih podatkih, ki so bili zbrani v okviru projekta Pasti in priložnosti spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti za zdravstvo (Center za metodologijo in informatiko). Enota analize je sporočilo informacijske opore s spletne strani Med.Over.Net za obdobje 2015-2019. Ocenjena je bila zanesljivost kodiranja, raziskovalna vprašanja pa so bila obravnavana s faktorsko analizo in z uporabo metod za preverjanje domnev o enakosti povprečij. Izkazalo se je, da je objektivna informacijska socialna opora v spletni zdravstveni skupnosti Med.Over.Net visoka in da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med vsemi dimenzijami kredibilnosti informacijske socialne opore. Statistično značilna razlika med sporočili, ki jih objavljajo moderatorji in navadni uporabniki, je prisotna zgolj pri eni dimenziji informacijske socialne opore, in sicer pri dimenziji točnosti.

Keywords:kredibilnost, informacijska socialna opora, spletne zdravstvene skupnosti, zdravstvene informacije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Hlede]
Number of pages:67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129497 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78749955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Objective credibility of informational social support in online health communities
The master's thesis reveals the crediblity of information on the topi cof cancer in the online health community Med.Over.Net. It focuses on the credibility of informational social suport, which is exchanged between users of online health community. The credibility of informational social support consists of several dimensions, namely: accuracy, completeness, readability/comprehensibility and trust. On the based rewiev of the literature, on the credibility of online (health) information, and informational social support based on the coding scheme a quantitative analysis of content was preformed. The aim is to determine objective credibility of informational social support in online health community, and whether there are differences between the credibility of informational social support according the author of the message. The data was prepared and collected in collaboration with the Center for Methodology and Informatics within the project Traps and Opportunities of Online Health Communities. The unit of analysis is an informational support message from the MedOverNet website for the period 2015-2019. The reliability of the coding was assessed, and the reserach questions were addressed with the factor analysis and methods for verifying the assumptions about equality of means. It turned out that the objective informational social support in the online health community Med.Over.Net is high and that there are statistically significant differences between all dimensions of the crediblity of the information social support. A statistically significant difference between the messages published by moderators and ordinary users is present in only one dimension of information social support, namely in the dimension of accuracy.

Keywords:credibility, informational social support, online health communities, health information

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